
Showing posts from 2007

One Wish For 2008

2007年就快過完了,Christmas的禮物,如果是獲得這些名模相伴狂歡,不知道有多好咧.. 過完聖誕節和新年,我就準備要多一歲了,即將滿33歲的我,有那麼一點希望年紀不要再往上增加,畢竟我怎麼看,也不像是30多歲的"叔叔"啊! 回顧這一整個很糟的年,鳥事不勝枚舉,唯一感到欣慰的事,是又多認識了一些"好人",人際關係也從新洗牌,一些沒必要沒交集的,自此從我的往來名單中消除。 人到了一定年紀,真的朋友會越來越少! 至於有啥願望,我目前我目前只想到" 順遂、平安 ",新年度的計畫,這幾天我再來好好思考一下囉! 來聽一下應景歌曲吧... 【Whitney Houston-One Wish】 此單曲收錄在2003年"One Wish"專輯中。 Whitney Houston-Do You Hear What I Hear (1990 Live From The Tonight Show) 當然George Michael在"Wham"時期的名曲『Last Christmas』,更是不能錯過... Wham-Last Christmas George大叔當年真是粉嫩...XD 來首Mariah Carey囉.... Mariah Carey-All I Want For Christmas Is You Christmas應該是個歡樂又溫暖的節日,這個時候,聽一下Luther Vandross,是個不錯的選擇... Luther Vandross - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Merry Christmas!& Happy New Year! 這篇舊文章,本來是在12/12就發表的,但今天是2007年的最後一天,我本想另外寫篇文章來回顧2007年及許下2008年的新計畫..... 但是老人家我,在這種冷到不行的天氣裡,實在是懶到一個極點..... 所以咧.... 混一下囉! 首先要感謝在今年我所認識的一些新朋友,十分感謝你們能忍受一個 怪叔叔 ,整整一年! 而原本就認識的老友們,很感謝你們長久以來對我的照顧及體諒,尤其是你們要整整忍受一個 失志也失智又無名火超大的 怪叔叔 一年,很多時候,我真的很對不起你們... ...

【Blogger】標籤雲:讓你的Blogger "Labels"與眾不同

Google Blogger是一個會玩上癮的Blog平台,許多的Widget都可以自己動手添加或修改,但在每次動手修改版型的CSS時,千萬要記得一件事.... 那就是 請記得備份你的Template! 假如你覺得 備份Template 是件不要緊的事,萬一當你改壞了一些程式碼時,那時的你可能會 欲哭無淚+超想打人+用力問候別人的祖宗十八代+吃"超營養香雞排"N"次.................................... 所以囉... 請記得備份你的Template! Step 1. 進入Google Blogger後台主頁,選擇【範本/Template】,再點選【修改 HTML/Edit HTML】,接著在CSS定義的部分 ]]> 的前面,插入下面的定義程式碼: /* Style for Label Cloud ----------------------------------------------- */ #labelCloud { text-align: center; } #labelCloud .label-cloud li{ display: inline; background-image: none !important; padding: 0 5px; margin: 0; vertical-align: baseline !important; border: 0 !important; } #labelCloud ul{ list-style-type: none; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; } #labelCloud .label-count { padding-left: 0.2em; font-size: 9px; color: #777; } Step 2. 找到 </head> ,在 </head> 之前,貼以下程式碼: <!-- User defined inline javascript --> <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- ...

Merry Christmas To Everyone!

聖誕節必備專輯,當然首選是Whitney..... 1996-O.S.T The Preacher's Wife 2003-One Wish 這2張專輯,最適合在這個時候拿出來回味了! 先來個Whitney聖誕組曲 再來個聖誕版感人情歌... I Believe In You And Me(電影演唱版) 當初看這電影,看到這一幕,我可是感動到不行....XD I Believe In You And Me(MV版) 聖誕夜狂歡,舞池上的音樂,怎能少了惠妮.... Step By Step Artist Site More Videos 聖誕夜我人不知道回到高雄沒... 如果趕不及,我大概只有在客運上睡覺的份了..


蔡健雅的音樂,總是生活化的訴說著感情生活中,所有的喜怒哀樂。 沒有過膩的音符與文字, 沒有起伏過大情緒包袱, 愛情來去之間.... 《Goodbye & Hello》 蓋括了所有感情生活裡的表情符號... 在《Goodbye & Hello》這張專輯中,我的最愛歌曲 走過的路 作詞:蔡健雅 作曲:蔡健雅 編曲:Adam Lee 曾擁有過的這一切,都可能在一瞬間全都消失 但最讓我感動的事,都可能經過時間而被遺忘 也許我過的,不夠認真 曾經我相信只有他,是我在這世界上最愛的人 但相信不代表永恆,人總會有喜新厭舊的時刻 也許我不懂,想要的愛 也許因為不懂,才一再的受傷害 直到現在,走過的路 有些辛酸辛苦但至少有些小幸福 愛過、恨過,走過的路~很多感觸! 或許在一個人散步時心中才會回顧 只希望自己能走出一片天空,勇敢的走,走到未來 曾經被辜負過的誰,是可以重新來過找回勇氣 生命中的成功失敗,也許總有一天我才會明白 誰會告訴我,什麼是對?懂還是不懂,只要不要被打敗 直到現在,走過的路 有些辛酸辛苦但至少有些小幸福 愛過、恨過,走過的路~很多感觸! 或許在一個人散步時心中才會回顧 只希望自己能走出一片天空,勇敢的走,走到未來 遺憾別過頭分析,會上癮 期待別捆綁自己,會失望 簡單的來說,我想要的並不多:不需要完美,只要能與眾不同 直到現在,走過的路 有些辛酸辛苦但至少有些小幸福 愛過、恨過,走過的路~才多感觸! 常在你最失落的時候,讓人想不開,想找想躲還卻到應該 勇敢的走,走到未來 人生旅程中,走過的路,不能總求平順。 無論是在情感上、工作上,甚至是人際關係裡,在有過受挫與失落後,日後才能更懂得珍惜與感恩。 特別加映場: 蔡健雅-空白格 蔡健雅-跟你借的幸福


英國佬真的超愛Whitney.. Whitney新版精選"The Ultimate Collection",自2007/10/29在英國發行迄今,也經過一個多月了,除了有一週掉出專輯榜前10名外,其餘的5週,可都穩穩的在前10名內咧! 截至2007//12/09的榜單,Whitney的新精選,可還是在第7名的位置喔! 由此可見,英國老是真的愛惠妮的,而且是很愛的那種.. 台灣的歌迷啊! 沒買過Whitney的精選輯的,趕快去買一張啦! 根據我的市場調查,那個"家樂福",賣的比較便宜,而且比 博客來(429元) 、五大唱片、玫瑰唱片都便宜,景氣不好,就算是很愛惠妮及支持正版,還是要多方比價喔! 愛Whitney,是種很難戒掉的 "癮" ... 來聽一下,有收錄在這張精選的2首單曲 I Wanna Dance With Somebody & How Will I Know ( Brazil 94 ) Brazil演唱會的版本,還真是High到不行.. 特別加映場: Mary J. Blige feat. Whitney Houston - "Rainy Days" (2002 Divas Live) 原曲收錄在Mary J. Blige/No More Drama [2002]專輯中,有了Whitney助陣,這歌是不是棒呆了.... 原版是這樣唱的.. Mary J Blige Feat. Ja Rule - Rainy Days Lyrics: (Ja) Heh yeah Rule baby, heh Mary J. Blige Murda INC Smile... (Mary) It's just those rainy days Spend a lifetime tryin to wash away Until the sun come out and shines again Smile for me, smile for me (Ja) All of those rainy days Spend ya lifetime tryin to wash away Until the sun shines and I see your face Smile at me, s...

Whitney Houston's Comeback in Full Gear

Wednesday, December 05, 2007 Some good news for a change about Whitney Houston. She made a tremendous comeback last Saturday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, performing several of her hits as if little time had passed. Were we worried that drugs and alcohol had killed her voice? Yes, indeed. But video and audio from the concert, thanks to fans at the Live & Loud KL 07 show who posted on YouTube, reveal a cheery-looking, healthy Whitney hitting high notes and striking the right chord every time. Among the songs posted are two difficult ones to sing: "I Will Always Love You" and "I Believe in You and Me." Each time, Whitney is singing with little musical accompaniment. She’s out there on her own and finding her way. On the latter number in particular she sounds like her old self. It’s a brave performance and to be commended. Whitney also taped some promotional spots for Live & Loud which can be seen on YouTube. Again, she looks clear-eyed and sounds extremely cohere...


感情這件事,很需要智慧還有勇氣。 最近有個朋友為情所困,情傷時... 就來聽Sandy吧! 林憶蓮-有所謂 1995 Love,Sandy 作詞:李宗盛/王中言 作曲:薛忠銘 失眠的夜晚 不知不覺的醉 酒卻是沒能帶來啊 絲毫的安慰 每一次的傷心告別 只預告了更深的痴戀 真是落寞 愛一個人的滋味 也許你以為 我會無所謂 而看似堅強的女人 越需要安慰 你帶我走進你心扉 卻不許我始終相隨 午夜夢迴 心頭湧上的真不只一點點的悲 再不求有誰能感受 心似火的憂 不等待你對我 再冷淡再冷漠也有溫柔的時候 也不想費心對你說 我離開的理由 心若是傷透了 再愛你也不能回頭 遺憾讓你以為 我會無所謂 我可以無所謂 如果你有一絲後悔 曾經安撫我的溫柔雙臂 如今讓我孤單徘迴 午夜夢迴 就算我開始恨你也無可厚非 再不求有誰能感受 心似火的憂 不等待你對我 再冷淡再冷漠也有溫柔的時候 也不想費心對你說 我離開的理由 心若是傷透了 再愛你也不能回頭 太多的承諾 如冰的結果 心說什麼也不肯沉默 受傷的人這麼多 我想應該沒人會說我錯 再不求有誰能感受 心似火的憂 不等待你對我 再冷淡再冷漠也有溫柔的時候 也不想費心對你說 我離開的理由 心若是傷透了 再愛你不能夠回頭 一顆心 住了兩個人 一張床 睡了三個人 擠了點!... 每個人都要多愛自己一點啊!

Wonderful Whitney

By : Shuib Taib 2007/12/04 There were some wobbly moments but Whitney Houston still delivered. SHUIB TAIB remains a fan. THEY were there for her! And Whitney Houston could do no wrong. Despite several announcements made prior to her performance requesting that no photographs nor recordings be done while she performed had the crowd go “boo”... they waited. Then there was the time factor. By the time “Mr Lover Lover” Shaggy ended his segment, it was 11.30pm. It took another hour for the stage to be set for Whitney and despite it being past midnight, the crowd stayed on. The presence of a journalist from BBC London also showed the magnitude of the event. After all, the diva was making a comeback and Kuala Lumpur had the honour of being the venue of her first stage re-appearance! “Beyonce may have given us a miss but thank God for Whitney!” said a fan just before the tall and stylish singer came out. When the stage lights were off, the 8,000-plus crowd started to chant her name. They got e...

Whitney saves her love for KL(有影音檔)

馬來西亞演唱會最新報導出爐囉! Whitney saves her love for KL 資料來源: KUALA LUMPUR: Multiple-award winning singer Whitney Houston lived up to her billing as the top draw in the Live & Loud concert here last night. Her appearance at the Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club here signalled the start of her comeback, and will be followed by a brand-new album next year. The 44-year-old pop diva, who came on after midnight, wowed a crowd of about 10,000 people, who were earlier entertained by a host of world-class singers at the event which started at 3pm yesterday. Houston showed the crowd just why she is a multi-platinum selling music legend, with songs like Saving All My Love and her evergreen hit I Will Always Love You. Clad in skin-tight leather pants, a flashy top and a white overcoat, the Grammy Award winner spiritedly pranced across the stage, starting off with the energetic If I Told You That. About an hour into her segment of the music fest, a young girl of about 10 – who Houston introduced ...

I Still Believe...

很多時候,口頭上的認同與相信... 並不能輕易當真! 但過度的懷疑,只是會讓自己在他人眼裡... 成為一個過度"冷漠"與"防禦性"過強的人而已! Mariah Carey翻唱的"I Still Believe"是我喜歡的愛歌之一... 來聽歌吧... Lyrics: No, oh No.... Yeah, Yeah ... oh.. You look in my eyes and I get emotional inside I know it’s crazy, but you still can touch my heart And after all this time you think that I wouldn’t feel the same But time melts into nothing, and nothing's changed I still believe Someday you and me Will find ourselves In love again I had a dream Someday you and me Will find ourselves In love again Each day of my life, I’m filled with all the joy I could find You know that I,I'm not the desperate type If there’s one spark of hope left in my grasp, I'm holding it with both hands It’s worth the risk of burning, to have a second chance No, no, no, no, no, no, I need you, baby I still believe that we can be together, no… If we believe that true love never has to end Then we must know that we will love again, Mmm.. I still believe Some...

American Music Awards @2007

2007年的全美音樂獎揭曉了! 事實上我並沒有很在意這次的得獎名單,誰拿了啥獎項,說真的,我還搞不大清楚咧... 對於得獎名單,我事實上沒啥去深入了解,所以也不便多發表意見...XD 倒是典禮中的表演節目,我比較感興趣咧! 尤其是最近剛發片的Mary J. Blige、Celine Dion、Alicia Keys,都在典禮中勁歌熱舞耶! 這三個女歌手,都很用力的扭腰擺臀喔.... 來看看吧! Alicia Keys (Featuring Sean Paul, & Shabba Ranks) - No One ◎Alicia Keys的新專輯"Alicia Keys / As I Am (CD+DVD)",台灣會在2007/11/27發行。 Alicia Keys越來越性感了,舞台魅力也已到達天后氣勢等級! Mary J. Blige - Just Fine ◎Mary J. Blige的新專輯"Mary J. Blige / Growing Pains",台灣發行時間未定。 Celine Dion - Taking Chances ◎Celine Dion的新專輯"Celine Dion / Taking Chances",台灣已在2007/11/16發行。 感謝Google大神相助,我所查尋到完整的得獎名單如下: ★流行/搖滾音樂類最受歡迎專輯:道奇樂團 (Daughtry) - Daughtry ★流行/搖滾音樂類最受歡迎男歌手:賈斯汀 (Justin Timberlake) ★流行/搖滾音樂類最受歡迎女歌手:菲姬 (Fergie) ★流行/搖滾音樂類受歡迎團體:五分錢 (Nickelback) ★靈魂/節奏藍調音樂類最受歡迎專輯:賈斯汀(Justin Timberlake) - FutureSex/LoveSounds ★靈魂/節奏藍調音樂類最受歡迎男歌手:阿肯 (Akon) ★靈魂/節奏藍調音樂類最受歡迎女歌手:蕾哈娜 (Rihanna) ★饒舌/嘻哈音樂類最受歡迎專輯:T.I. - T.I. vs T.I.P ★饒舌/嘻哈音樂類最受歡迎團體:骨頭惡棍與和聲合唱團 (Bone Thugs-N-Harmony) ★饒舌/嘻哈音樂類最受歡迎男歌手:T.I. ★鄉村音樂類最受歡迎專輯:凱...

Video message from Whitney (Live & Loud)

惠妮為了Live & Loud演唱會拍了一個宣傳影音短片,真的很"短"的短片喔! Whitney made a short video message for the Live & Loud website. In the video she says that she is going to perform at Live & Loud.

Whitney Houston a sure preformer at Live & Lound KL 07

先前有報導說,Whitney將出席12/1 Live & Loud 07 演唱會,主辦單位發表了一篇新聞稿,再三保證Whitney將會如期出席。 詳細新聞稿如下: Whitney Houston and other superstars of her calibre are a rare sight in Kuala Lumpur, or even a sight at all according to skeptics. To all those skeptics out there, the diva is definitely coming to town end of this month to meet her fans for the first time ever here at Live & Loud KL 07. Again, the skeptics will tell you that she will be here to just sing one or two songs, but they are wrong again. She will be performing live for over one hour concert during the “Turn on the Pop” night, which is scheduled to take place at Bukit Kiara Equestrian Park on 1 December 2007. This is surely a dream come through for her fans in this part of the world and it is like a wish granted as Houston has in the last couple of years shied away from the international music scene. Endowed with a versatile voice, Houston handles contemporary ballads, dance-pop, and slick urban contemporary soul, all with equal dexterit...


一樣都是我Davin寫的東西,為何要被建議分家? 如果你路過此格,你可以挑你喜歡的看,你想要回應的回應! 既使我說了一些狗屁倒灶的事,那也是我的生活之一。 我還是一樣熱愛音樂跟電影。 如果我的其他文章讓您感覺不適,您可以選擇不看! 我不會因為其他人的觀感,去避諱掉一些東西。 我寫我想寫的! 您看您想看的! 就這樣....


沒化妝的惠媽看起來氣色不錯說! 資料來源:Just -Whitney. com 這時的Whitney,應該很想對狗仔隊唱"Watchulookinat".... 我說惠媽啊!妳也該補妝吧....這尊容看起來有點...XD Whitney:狗仔,你素拍夠沒? 終於補上口紅了...XD 惠媽笑的很燦爛說.... Whitney Houston-Watchulookinat P. Diddy: You ready. It's time for you to speak up Bad Boy Baby Whitney Houston As we procede Whitney: Well, well, well, well Hey Whoooo Chorus: Why you lookin' at me Don't get mad at me 'Cause I'm still gonna be me (Tell me, Tell me, Tell me) Whatchulookinat (Tell me, Tell me, Tell me) Whatchulookinat I feel your eyes on me You been telling lies on me (Tell me, Tell me, Tell me) Whatchulookinat (Tell me, Tell me, Tell me) See I don't understand Why you keep peepin' me When you don't even like me You're after me and my man Don't think you're stressing me 'Cause your lies don't excite me, no no (Never thought) Never thought, Never thought (Never knew) Never knew that you would do this to me Do this to me (Try to ruin me) Ruin me (Be my enemy) ...

惠妮新版終極精選"The Ultimate Collection"空降英國專輯榜No.5

狂賀!Whitney"終極精選The Ultimate Collection"空降英國專輯榜第五名。 資料來源: BBC - Radio 1 其實這消息我前幾天就知道了,但因為我新的工作較忙,所以遲遲沒發佈這消息,我是忙昏頭沒空發這消息喔! 大夥可別誤會我 移情別戀 ,不愛Whitney喔...XD 至於專輯曲目的部份,請參考我先前的文章: 新發行-英版Whitney Houston 'The Ultimate Collection' ,新手惠妮迷,可以考慮等台灣發行這張精選的時候入手珍藏! 目前根據國外報導,這張精選也會在2007/11/20在美國本土發行,希望也能大賣,好順勢拉抬一下明年Whitney即將發行的全新復出大碟聲勢! 看來惠媽"天后再臨"的日子,不遠了說...... 來聽一下這張精選中,我認為沒收錄到的遺珠之憾 "I Learned From The Best" ,此曲收錄於1998年 "My Love Is Your Love" 大碟中。 I Learned From The Best(Live in Manheim, Germany, 1999) Lyrics: Did you really think that I would really take you back Let you back in my heart One more time, oh, no no Did you think I’d still care That there’d be more feeling there Did you think you could walk back In my life, oh So you found you missed the love you threw away Baby, but you found it out too late, too late (Chorus): And so you know the way it feels to cry The way that I cried when you broke my world in two And baby I learned the way to break a h...


我家小莫月底要發全新國語大碟囉! 新歌全球搶先發表於10/27台中MTV演唱會.... 莫文蔚-日場夜場 詞:李焯雄 曲:莫文蔚 捲起人型波浪 驚喜每個毛囊 多流汗 有存在感 靈魂才夠爽 浴缸或者操場 喜歡就開個唱 鎂光燈 特別閃亮 巨星登場 不是誰的首長 不是誰的同行 日場的我已經散場 謝謝收看 白天已被分贓 有個我沒出場 到夜場 模擬城市霓虹燈發亮 我為自己鼓掌 我要活得漂亮 要為自己鼓掌 正常才不正常 來點新的花樣 驚喜每個現場 要發光 有存在感 靈魂才夠爽 生命限時限量 變身午夜人狼 別隱藏 野性曝光 盡情登場 不演誰的首長 不是誰同行 日場的我已經散場 謝謝收看 白天已被分贓 有個我沒出場 到夜場 第二人生要加倍補償 我為自己鼓掌 我要活得漂亮 要為自己鼓掌 正常才不正常 我為自己鼓掌 我要活得漂亮 要為自己鼓掌 正常才不正常 不是誰的首長 不是誰的同行 日場的我已經散場 謝謝收看 白天已被分贓 有個我沒出場 到夜場 第二人生要加倍補償 我為自己鼓掌 我要活得漂亮 要為自己鼓掌 正常才不正常 我為自己鼓掌 我要活得漂亮 要為自己鼓掌 太正常才不正常 說實話,乍聽之下,覺得SOSO說! 不知道是不是"詞"太......簡單,導致毫無意境可言。 順便聽一下舊歌喔! 莫文蔚-愛 莫文蔚-他不愛我

My Best Friend's Wedding新娘不是我(1997)

相信很多人都看過我那好萊塢最愛"Julia Roberts"的"My Best Friend's Wedding新娘不是我(1997)"【Julia也在當時以此片,再創事業高峰。】劇情不算深奧難懂,但還蠻輕鬆有趣的,沒看過的可以去租片來看看囉,話說我家Julia才剛獲得"美國電影藝術獎"及 "美國People雜誌票選「Look Who's 40!40年華最美女星」冠軍" 。 今天的主題是"Say A Little Prayer"這首單曲,這首單曲出現在片中全家人在海鮮餐廳用餐時的片段,而這首歌,我的女神Whitney也唱過很多次耶! Whitney Houston & Natalie Cole - Say A Little Prayer 兩大天后的組合,超讚! Whitney Houston - Say A Little Prayer(Classic Whitney 1997) 聽完Whitney,回頭來稍微介紹一下電影... 劇情描述Julia的前男友Dermot Mulroney要結婚了,希望Julia去參加他的婚禮,一場搶婚大作戰,自此展開... 恍然大悟發覺"舊愛還是最美"的Julia,啟程去會前男友及其未婚妻Cameron Diaz,並在那Cameron Diaz的央求之下答應擔任伴娘,但私下卻開始搞破壞,希望能來個扶正成為正宮娘娘。 片中Cameron Diaz可是豁出去來個"五音不全"卡拉OK演唱咧! 來看一下,片中大合唱"Say A Little Prayer"的片段吧! 我發覺我幾乎每天都在用念力祈禱,期望我的女神們,趕快復出螢光幕前,繼續造福我的視覺及聽覺說! 我的Whitney... 我的Julia... 妳們兩位趕快推出新作吧!

Classic Whitney

這兩週沒有網路可上的日子,我除了早早上床睡覺外〈我曾經8點就上床睡覺,睡太飽,反而更累...XD〉,就是拿出DVD猛看。 在反覆看過Whitney在1997/10/5的『Classic Whitney』演唱會後,其實還蠻感傷的,好好的一個人,怎會搞成這樣咧.... 當時的Whitney,很明顯的聲音狀況很差,很多高音根本唱不上去,但獅子座的【爆破大隊隊長】豈是浪得虛名,狀況再怎麼差,老娘還是要給你唱現場的意志力,充分表露無疑。 尤其是"Ain't No Way"這首歌,Whitney簡直是豁出去在唱.... Whitney Houston - Ain't No Way (Classic Whitney '97) 在演唱會開場沒多久,Whitney和老媽Cissy Houston合唱"I Know Him So Well",這段則讓我覺得親情和宗教信仰,似乎無法去幫助到Whitney脫離那毒癮的糾纏,還好如今一切都過去了,Whitney總算走出來了! Whitney & Cissy Houston - I Know Him So Well(Classic Whitney '97) 有時候我總不禁會想,為何人總要跌的那麼重,才會知道痛有多深刻! 親情、友情、愛情,哪個是支撐你繼續向前的力量,我想每個人都不同,有時深陷泥沼的人,就是需要外力來拉一把吧! 但自身的覺醒,還是比那些外力來的重要! 有時,與其端坐原地自怨自艾,不如起身去想想,去行動,來打破自身所陷的僵局,才能在經歷過那一切後,更能珍惜現在所擁有的一切。 加油喔!Whitney! 許多人的音樂世界不能沒有妳耶! 應該要來點首"小莫"的"如果沒有你"來送給惠媽說.... 《題外話,我家小莫快要發新唱片了耶....》


其實自從N年前,我開始網路購物以來,很多唱片我都會在實體通路及 博客來網路書店 中,相互比價在下手,畢竟這年頭生活大不易,物價飛漲到不行! 順道一提,家樂福的特價花車,我也會注意,超多絕版影音,有時都會擺出來特價,價錢通常都很親民,我就曾經在花車裡買到實體唱片行要價近400元的絕版唱片,但我只花了不到200元就在花車堆裡找到全新正版! 今年8月我曾在我的Blog寫到 錯過... ,我買到我沒收藏到的Whitney專輯,還好當時手腳快,不然現在我可能還要持續飲恨。 有鑑於許多新的惠妮迷,並沒有完整收藏到Whitney的專輯,我查了一下 博客來網路書店 的資料,列舉出所有Whitney專輯目前的供貨狀況,有興趣的不訪去尋寶一下囉! 1985-Whitney Houston: 1985-Whitney Houston 訂貨後即會進貨,399元。 1987-Whitney: 1987-Whitney 訂貨後即會進貨,399元。 1990-I'm Your Baby Tonight: 1990-I'm Your Baby Tonight 訂貨後即會進貨,278元。 1992-O.S.T Bodyguard: 1992-O.S.T Bodyguard 目前有庫存,329元。 1995-O.S.T Waiting To Exhale: 1995-O.S.T Waiting To Exhale 訂貨後即會進貨,399元。 1996-O.S.T The Preacher's Wife: 1996-O.S.T The Preacher's Wife 目前有庫存,409元。 1998-My Love Is Your Love: 1998-My Love Is Your Love 訂貨後即會進貨,278元。 2000-Whitney Houston - Greatest Hits: Greatest Hits(國際版) 訂貨後即會進貨,619元。 Greatest Hits(美國版) 訂貨後即會進貨,528元。 2001-Love, Whitney: 2001-Love, Whitney 訂貨後即會進貨,368元。 2002-Just Whitney(CD+DVD): 2002-Just Whitney(CD+DVD) 訂貨...

Whitney Houston at Fashion Rocks London

我的老天爺啊! Whitney怎會美成這樣啊... Fashion Rocks London影音檔來囉! 聲音狀況聽起來超好的! 我的老天爺,真素超感人的! 2007/11/3後記: 我來補上影音檔分割畫面囉! 嘟嘴可愛LOOK! 自信女獅王再現芳蹤! 想像一下,這如果是在唱"I Will Always Love You"或是"I Have Nothing",而音色像是1994年巴西演唱會時的水準,那該是多美好的一件事啊! Whitney....加油喔!

Whitney出席Swarovski Fashion Rocks慈善晚會

相關報導如下: ◎報導一 Whitney Houston's comeback VIP FASHION ROCKS EXCLUSIVE: SINGER'S AMAZING RETURN 19/10/2007 資料來源: Forget Britney Spears - this is the comeback to beat all comebacks... Whitney Houston made a sensational surprise return at Swarovski Fashion Rocks last night in one of the industry's most closely guarded secrets. There were gasps in London's Royal Albert Hall auditorium when the singer stepped on to the stage in a dazzling white Valentino dress. The 44-year-old introduced the final catwalk show of the night by Swarovski - with Patti La Belle and Sugababes performing Lady Marmalade. Advertisement Click here to find out more! The superstar had secretly flown in from New York and had been in hiding in a London hotel to avoid the surprise being ruined. Whitney has had her fair share of problems over the years with her tempestuous marriage to rapper Bobby Brown and a well documented battle with crack, pills, booze and marijuana. But since then she's...

雙后攜手,Through The Rain。

其實我也不是那麼不喜歡Mariah Carey,畢竟以Mariah的歌藝來說,她的實力也足以打敗檯面上一票當紅女歌手。《謎之音:我也喜歡過Mariah一陣子,只是對Mariah的喜愛,沒到像對Whitney那麼瘋狂吧了....XD》 上個世紀末,Whitney Houston跟Mariah Carey攜手合唱了"The Prince of Egypt埃及王子(1998)"的主題曲"When You Believe",成為樂壇佳話一樁。 兩大天后在成名後,在情路及事業上,都曾跌了一大跤,走過風風雨雨,箇中滋味,只有當事人才能體會。 Mariah Carey--Through The Rain Mariah Carey--Through The Rain Lyrics When you get caught in the rain With nowhere to run When you’re distraught And in pain without anyone When we keep praying out To be safe But nobody comes And you feel so far away That you just can't find you way home you can get there alone it's okay once you say I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again On my own and I know That I’m strong enough to mend And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith And I live one more day And I make it through the rain And if you keep falling down Don’t you dare give in You will arise safe and sound So keep pressing on steadfastly And you’ll find what you need to pre...