
Showing posts from February, 2008

Whitney Houston登上本期People magazine.Part2

女神的地位,果然是與眾不同! 要Whitney讓位站到角落,似乎是一件不可能的任務! 順道一提... Clive老爹的新愛徒Leona Lewis,果然是頗受老爹寵愛...

Whitney set for charity show

Source: Monday, February 18, 2008 Whitney Houston is to perform live in London at a charity event to raise funds for disabled children. The I Will Always Love You singer will treat guests to a string of her hits at Caudwell Children's Legend Ball at Battersea Evolution on May 8. The 44-year-old American soul diva will sing before a 2,000-strong audience which will include British entrepreneurs and celebrities. Caudwell Children is a national charity based in Staffordshire, providing direct donations of treatments, therapies and specialist equipment throughout the country, and has so far donated over £5 million to more then 2,000 children with 160 medical conditions. Last year £1.2 million was raised for the charity from the Bedrock Ball at the National History Museum, where Tina Turner sang before an audience which included Sir David Frost. John Caudwell, founder of the charity, said: "We are thrilled to have an artist of Whitney's calibre to headline the event...

Whitney Houston登上本期People magazine

J Records群星與老爹Clive Davis合照,Whitney Houston依舊是Clive老爹的最愛!

Whitney Houston new album 'out in November'

新聞來源: Digital Spy Thursday, February 14 2008, 11:40 GMT By Beth Hilton, Entertainment Reporter Whitney Houston's highly-anticipated comeback album will hit shelves in November, it has been revealed. Record executive Clive Davis said he has recorded five new tracks with the singer, whose last studio offering was 2003's One Wish: The Holiday Album. The LP is believed to include collaborations with, Ne-Yo, R Kelly and John Legend. He is quoted as saying: "It's really good. We're looking to release the album in November." 2008年11月....會不會太久了啊! 以惠媽過往的紀錄來看,目前這個未經確認的消息,很有可能是真的! 新聞內提到,目前錄製完成的新歌計有5首。 目前專輯的製作陣容已確定的有, Ne-Yo, R Kelly and John Legend. 這幾個製作人都還蠻炙手可熱的! 我還蠻期待惠妮跟John Legend的合作說......

天后的好身材,是靠喝Diet Coke維持的。

記者提問:Whitney女神,妳都怎麼維持好身材啊? Whitney女神:嗯.... 我以前都靠嗑藥...... Opps!...... 我是靠喝Diet Coke維持的啦..... Whitney代言過行動電話系統AT&T,應該是大家比較有印象的廣告之一。 想跟天后一樣,既使年過40,也一樣擁有好身材嗎? 那就喝Diet Coke囉.... Whitney Houston-Diet Coke comercial V1.1986 Whitney Houston-Diet Coke comercial V2.1988 Whitney的2008 Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party造型,真是美翻了.... 2008肯定是Whitney再次發光發熱的一年!

Whitney's Triumphant Return!

天生美人胚! Sunday, February 10, 2008 By Roger Friedman What a difference a year makes! At last year’s Clive Davis’ annual pre-Grammy gala, Whitney Houston barely left her seat and didn’t even rise to meet Al Gore. She was tentative and fragile. But last night at the Beverly Hilton, it was a fully restored, fun-loving Whitney who moved around the ballroom with grace. She spent a chunk of the evening away from her table with Davis’ family and hung out with Alicia Keys’ gang, including collaborator Kerry “Krucial” Brothers and manager Jeff Robinson down near the stage. “Write some good things about me,” Whitney said, and we talked about her upcoming album. She’s healthy and focused and clearly engaged. She watched clips on the video screens of her past performances at Davis extravaganzas, I thought, with a little yearning. Maybe next year, she’ll be back up there. Houston’s presence brought over a lot of stars. She and Usher exchanged waves from their tables. At one point, Fergie of the Black...

Clive Davis' Pre-Grammy Party 2008相關影音檔出爐囉!

先來個我製作的照片集錦.. 惠妮真的美翻了! 女神就是女神,記者問她新專輯有哪些人幫她製作,惠妮態度高傲的咧! 老娘就是不說..... 記者問惠妮新專輯何時推出... 女神依舊高傲的回了一句:Soon..... 目前找到的影音檔有限,後續有相關報導的話.. 我會立即補上的... 2008/02/12新增檔案

Whitney出席2008 Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party !

女神展笑顏! 新聞稿來源: E! Online 照片來源:[Just -Whitney. com] Whitney Houston is one true diva. And I mean that in the nicest way. Leave it to Ms. Houston to wear not one, but two different outfits during Clive Davis' annual pre-Grammy party last night at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. She walked the red carpet in a black and silver number, but by the time dinner began, she slipped into a plum-colored gown. Both were formfitting and showed us Houston was in great physical shape. I could only imagine that there would have been a third wardrobe change if she actually performed last night. I’m told that Houston was scheduled to belt out three songs, but the plans were canceled on Friday. There were, however, plenty of other megastars who hit the stage for a song or two. But before I get to that, lemme tell you a little bit more about the Davis bash. It’s been an annual tradition for, like, forever. Last night’s soiree didn’t disappoint. Here’s what went down... Houston spent the dinner portion of the ...

Whitney Houston is big fan of Leona Lewis, saying 'she's a baby me'

新聞來源: Leona Lewis has a new fan - Whitney Houston. After Leona sang at music mogul Clive Davis's do the diva told us: "My God, she's a baby me." And Leona squealed: "I can't believe Whitney knows who I am." We were in awe of Whitters' new "taut" looks, a far cry from when she was on crack. So far, we wonder if she's had some surgical help. 惠妮真是佛心來的!

Whitney for Jazz Fest

資料來源: Newsday By MARISSA WILLIAMS Tobago Bureau Saturday, February 2 2008 Grammy award winner Whitney Houston has officially been added to the Sunday night all-star cast of the Plymouth Jazz Festival which runs from April 25 to April 27. Houston’s contract was finalised between her management and Jazz Festival executives and she is to join another R&B diva Diana Ross and headline act, Rod Stewart. BET Walk of Fame honoree Smokey Robinson, Peabo Bryson and James Ingram will head the cast on Friday night while R&B group En Vogue, Shakira and roots reggae band Steel Pulse have been listed as the top acts on Saturday night. CL Communications CEO Anthony Maharaj yesterday said organisers were still trying to confirm two or three other artistes for the event but was not sure on which nights they would be performing. Negotiations are still underway to secure contracts for Jill Scott to perform on Friday night. Tickets have also gone on sale online at US$120 and US$200 for general and ...