
Showing posts from June, 2008

What's going on?

Britney,妳該振作囉.... Britney一連串的失心瘋表現,應該大家都記憶猶新。去年在MTV頒獎典禮上的表現,除了慘不忍睹外,我找不到更好的形容詞.... 這幾天有新聞報導說,MTV頒獎典禮願意再给Britney一次機會,在今年的頒獎典禮讓Britney再上場表演。 每個人都值得有第二次機會,只是機會來臨時,你是全力以赴來證明自己,還是再度砸鍋,讓旁人證實自己的見解正確,端看自己如何看待自己囉... 我不是Britney的歌迷,但一個好的舞台工作者,需要旁人給予支持... Britney小姐,妳給我振作點.... MTV頒獎典禮2000

Bleeding Love少男懷春版

Leona Lewis以選秀冠軍之姿,勇奪英美排行冠軍的單曲『Bleeding Love』,單曲原創作者奶油小生Jesse Mccartney,最近發行了第三張個人大碟 『Departure航向未來』 ,在新專輯的亞洲限定版中特別加收了Jesse重新詮釋的少男懷春版『Bleeding Love』..... Jesse版的『Bleeding Love』,還蠻清新的,一起來聽聽唄..... Bleeding Love-(Jesse Mccartney Version) Bleeding Love Lyrics Closed off from love I didn't need the pain Once or twice was enough And it was all in vain Time starts to pass Before you know it you're frozen Ooooh... But something happened For the very first time with you My heart melted into the ground Found something true And everyone's looking 'round Thinking I'm going crazy But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open Trying hard not to hear But they talk so loud Their piercing sounds f...


新聞一:Possible Whitney and Leona Lewis Duet Source: Posted May 30, 2008 Legendary singer Whitney Houston is planning to duet with British reality show winner Leona Lewis in a bid to boost her comeback, according to reports. Houston is back on stage this year after a lengthy break in her career, during which she battled alleged drug addictions. A new album is being planned for release in late 2008. Known as Houston's mentor, music mogul Clive Davis wants to give the diva's comeback a helping hand by teaming her with "Bleeding Love" singer Lewis, reports the New York Post. Since winning British talent show "The X Factor" in 2006, Lewis has dominated the charts in both Britain and the U.S. and drawn numerous comparisons to Houston and Mariah Carey. The 23-year-old reportedly suffers from stress-related chronic throat problems, which doctors have confirmed can only be cured permanently by surgery. 這新聞是說,惠妮將有可能和里歐娜合作... 新聞二:'ENTOURAGE' ST...

自作孽最佳詮釋-Amy Winehouse

在2008年葛萊美獎,風光拿下5項大獎的英倫嗑藥女伶Amy Winehouse,又有驚人新聞上了新聞版面。 這位被媒體封為 新毒后 的英國女伶,當初在英國的LIVE連線現場上(與美國葛萊美頒獎典禮連線),得知自己獲獎時的表情,堪稱 年度恍神LOOK之最! 人長的不美,也極沒有美感,再加上嗑藥過頭的這位英國女伶Amy Winehouse,最近倒楣到被朋友出賣,公佈了她那也是愛吃軟飯、一事無成的毒蟲老公Blake,在2007年5月左右拍下狐群狗黨嗑藥尋歡派對的內容,影帶輾轉被她們的友人取得,賣給了英國的八卦媒體『世界新聞報』,成為本期封面頭條。

Rainy Days........

雨怎麼下不停啊! 濕悶的天氣,讓我整個人都感到" 不蘇胡 "....