
Showing posts from October, 2008

Dido - Don't Believe In Love (MV首播)

睽違五年... Dido第三張錄音室大碟『Safe Trip Home』 2008.11.18發行,台灣地區可能要再等一等...   首波單曲『Don't Believe In Love』剛剛出爐.... Dido - Don't Believe In Love   Dido - Don’t Believe in Love Lyrics I wanna go to bed with arms around me But wake up on my own Pretend that I’m still sleeping Til’ you go home Oh I can’t look at you this morning I should probably have a sign That says ‘Leave right now or quicker’ You’ve overstayed your time If I don’t believe in love nothing will last for me If I don’t believe in love nothing is safe for me When I don’t believe in love you’re too close to me And that’s why you have to leave Maybe I slept peaceful on your shoulder Your arm warm around my side But it’s different now, it’s morning And I can’t face your smile The second that I feel your safe hands Reaching out for mine I slip away and out of sight You’ve overstayed your time If I don’t believe in love nothing is good for me If I don’t believe in love nothing will last for me When I don’t believe in love nothing i...

Without Soul....

每個人對音樂的喜好,其實都是很主觀的! 對我而言,擁有好歌喉並不代表是好歌手。 這個很愛唱Whitney Houston的菲律賓女孩Charice Pempengco,相關她的影音,我看過一些..... 說真的,我還蠻討厭她的歌聲的....XD 至於不喜歡這女孩的原因,除了她很愛亂吼叫(卻以為自己是在飆高音),再者是.... 她只是個很愛學原唱者唱法,但無法完整傳達歌曲所要表現的意境。 上面的這個片段,是David Foster and Friends concert的Canada場次。 David Foster這個超級製作人,即將在2008.11.11發行'Hit Man: David Foster & Friends'DVD/CD專輯,專輯中收錄了他幫Whitney Houston製作過的"I Have Nothing"及"I Will Always Love You"2首單曲。 我原先以為收錄的版本會是惠妮版,但上網Google了一下........ Source: 看完曲目.... 有種烏鴉飛過的感覺

Aretha Franklin singing Mariah's Touch My Body

看官們,你沒看錯我下的標題...... Aretha Franklin真的在今年於D.C的演唱會上,唱了Mariah Carey今年的最新冠軍單曲『Touch My Body』。 Aretha Franklin singing Mariah's Touch My Body in DC Uploaded by davinchao Aretha阿姨在演唱時,刻意撥弄頭髮的動作.... 真是笑死老人我了.....XD 目前沉醉在新婚階段的Mariah,不知道有沒有看過這場演出.... 同場加映: Mariah在Fashion Rocks 2008的表演 "我是一隻雞" ..... Mariah Carey - I'm That Chick,LIVE 超級接唱機,這次直接對嘴唱喔......XD 由於環球唱片將台灣設為限制區域,該公司旗下歌手的影音,台灣的User無法正常觀看! 超值加映場:

Police Identify Body of Hudson's Nephew

經由家屬協助指認後,已經確認稍早在芝加哥市郊尋獲的小孩遺體,是Jennifer的外甥,Julian King. [UPDATE]Today 4:24 PM PDT by Natalie Finn Source: E! Online Chicago police have confirmed the harrowing news. The body of a young boy found in an abandoned SUV is in fact that of Jennifer Hudson's 7-year-old nephew, Julian King. "Tragically, search efforts ended shortly after 7 a.m.," Police Superintendent Jody Weis said at a press conference this afternoon in Chicago. "At this time, we can confirm that the body located inside the vehicle was the body of 7-year-old Julian King. The vehicle was towed and taken in...for forensic processing." The announcement came shortly after Jennifer Hudson, accompanied by family members, viewed the remains—the second time in three days the Oscar winner has had to make the grim trip to the morgue, having previously identified her slain mother and brother. An autopsy is scheduled for Tuesday. A police spokeswoman said that Julian was shot multiple times, but Weis said those ...

Jennifer Hudson Offers $100,000 for Missing Nephew's Return

Jennifer Hudson提出賞金,希望早日尋獲她的外甥。 Source: By Charlotte Triggs Originally posted Sunday October 26, 2008 08:40 PM EDT Two days after her mother and brother were fatally shot at home in Chicago, Jennifer Hudson and her family have offered a $100,000 reward for the safe return of her missing 7-year-old nephew Julian, gone since Friday. "Jennifer and her family appreciate the enormous amount of love, support and prayers they have received while she and her family try to cope with this tragedy and continue the search for Julian," said a statement from Hudson's rep Lisa Kasteler. It also offered a reward and asked the public to give any available information to the Chicago police. "We ask that all inquiries be directed to the Chicago Police Department, Area 1 Detective Division at 312/747-8380." As investigators continued looking for forensic evidence at the south side home of Darnell Donerson, 57, and Jason Hudson, 29, the FBI confirmed to PEOPLE that they a...

Jennifer Hudson: Please Keep Praying for Us

家中遭逢巨變的Jennifer Hudson,在她的 MySpace blog 發表了一份聲明,希望粉絲及關心她的人,能為她及她的家人祈禱,好早日找到在此次槍擊案中,可能被歹徒綁架而失蹤的外甥,Julian King. Source: E! Online (Originally published Oct. 26, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. PT.) The heartbreaking news coming out of Chicago continues as the Cook County medical examiner's office confirmed today to E! News that it was Jennifer Hudson who identified the bodies of her mother and brother, who died of multiple gunshot wounds on Friday. Hudson herself has spoken out for the first time since the double homicide. On behalf of her family, the Oscar winner took to her MySpace blog to ask the public for help in finding her missing 7-year-old nephew, Julian King. "Thank you all for your prayers and your calls. Please keep praying for our family and that we get Julian King back home safely. If anyone has any information about his whereabouts please contact the authorities immediately. Here is a picture of Julian and what he was last seen wearing. Once again thank you all for being there ...

Jennifer Hudson’s mother and brother shot dead

Jennifer Hudson的母親及哥哥,在星期五下午3點多,被發現陳屍家中,被槍擊身亡(事件發生於Jennifer Hudson位於芝加哥南部的寓所)。 Jennifer Hudson’s mother and brother shot dead Source: IANS | Saturday, 25 October , 2008, 15:46 The mother and brother of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson were found dead in their Chicago home, CNN television reported. The bodies were found Friday (October 24) afternoon and the victims are believed to have been shot to death, police said. A seven-year-old boy was reported missing. "We can confirm that there is an ongoing investigation concerning the deaths of Jennifer Hudson's mother, Darnell Donerson, and her brother, Jason Hudson," the actress' publicist Lisa Kasteler was quoted as saying. Hudson, 29, won an Oscar for her role in the musical Dreamgirls in 2007. She also starred in blockbuster Sex and the City and The Secret Life of Bees. Jennifer Hudson's Mom Found Shot to Death Fri., Oct. 24, 2008 6:05 PM PDT by Natalie Finn Source: E! Online A nightm...


3天前,我原有的YouTube帳號,被永久性的刪除了..... 這個分享有趣影片而聞名世界的影音平台,我約莫是在2年多前才開始接觸到。 申請帳號開始上傳惠妮的相關影音,則是在一年多以前。當時會申請帳號的原因,最主要是要上傳惠妮1994年巴西演唱會的片段。這一年多來,我前前後後上傳過近60個影音檔,中途莫名被撤下的檔案,也有將近10個之多,被撤下的原因,官方說法常是"侵犯版權",在發現原有帳號被註銷停用前,最後一個被撤下的檔案,要死不死,剛好就是惠媽 I'm Every Woman( Brazil 1994) ,而提出版權爭議的是Bourne Co.,一家我聽都沒聽過,查也沒查到的鬼公司。 國慶日被註銷帳號,可讓我這個中年宅男 到極點。先前有影片被撤下時,我就曾經想過寫EMail去申訴,但英文並不是很強的我,最後還是因為"懶"這個敗筆而作罷。這次帳號被註銷,我壓根沒有動手敲鍵盤寫申訴信的念頭..... 沒辦法,老人最近心煩氣躁,整個人沒元氣到極點..... 雖然很不滿YouTube的作法,但在沒找到其他"更好"的平台之前,我還是重新申請了一個新帳號,畢竟中年宅男我,沒有音樂、香菸、咖啡,可能會發瘋....XD 講了一堆廢話,連要罵YouTube都含蓄到極點的我。這幾天唯一讓我稍微振奮的,是我找到了香港版《林憶蓮-誘惑的街》MV,當初1996年滾石發行《夜太黑》專輯時,並沒有把這首單曲列入主打,所以相對也沒拍音樂錄影帶,讓以前很愛唱KTV的我,從來沒機會在KTV好好唱過這首歌...(老人我有3年多的時間沒唱過KTV了說...) 聽歌吧... 林憶蓮-誘惑的街

Whitney Houston's Comeback Album相關消息.....

根據國外惠妮迷轉述的新聞,Whitney's Comeback Album 尚未確定發行日期,而且目前仍在錄製中.... 看來先前所謠傳的發行日期----2008.11.30,又只是夢一場! News-1:Got a Question? We'll Answer It! Source: Extra Posted by ExtraTV Staff on October 9, 2008 10:55 AM If you've got a question, "Extra" will answer it -- just upload your video comment here! You could be featured on the show -- just like Byron from Austin, Texas, who asked us when Whitney Houston's latest album was dropping. We called Whitney's people, who say the album is still being recorded. There's no release date -- but we're hearing Ne-Yo, John Legend and are all working on it. Keep those webcam questions coming everyone! News-2:Clive Davis, Doug Morris Trying To Save The Music Industry Source: The Business Sheet Hilary Lewis | Oct 11, 2008 10:24 AM After being effectively demoted from his CEO position at BMG last spring, Clive Davis is now leading hit-making efforts at the newly reconstituted Sony Music Entertainment. New York Post: ...

Whitney Houston's New Album Coming Soon!!!

Source: Whitney's Official Myspace Page Whitney Houston's New Album Coming Soon!!! 6:50 AM, Sunday, October 05, 2008 It looks like theres going to be a wonderful Holiday gift coming from the "Greatest Voice Of All" Whitney Houston. The new album, including the single "Like I Never Left" is set to be released some time before the end of this year. As of now there is no official date set but we all know the Diva only strives for perfection so please be patient, It's going to be real soon :) 這是官方所發布的消息喔! 由於大部份歌迷的質疑,Whitney's Official Myspace Page今天又做出了一份聲明,強調自己的 官方 身分! 並且強調網站的經營者包含Whitney本人,而且Whitney也會到她的Myspace網站看歌迷的留言... 6:11 AM, Tuesday, October 07, 2008 Dear Whitney Houston Fans... Category: MySpace This Is The Official MySpace Page Of Whitney Houston. This page is hosted under the guidence of SONY BMG, ARISTA, RCA RECORDS & WHITNEY HOUSTON. Whitney does check her page regularly, understandably she does not have the time to reply to messages....

Blab Blab Blab: Whitney Houston, We Have a Problem

Fri., Oct. 3, 2008 8:46 AM PDT by Ted Casablanca "This is such a waste." —Top hanger-on to one of my fave divas (just like witches, darlings, there are good ones and bad ones), Whitney Houston, and the insufferable delays to her reported "comeback" and long-anticipated next album. Like, come on, Whit, Britney's gonna have 2,567 career relaunches by the time you come out with your second. 'Course, look at the product, I know, I know, big diff, but get off your ass, please. What are you doing? (Don't wanna tell you what some folks tell me you're doing, babe.) Source: E! Online 看來除了歌迷等到不耐煩了,連媒體也開始暴躁起來....

Whitney Houston's Comeback Album Rumors(2008/2009)

(註:這是國外網友幾個月前做的Banner,仿『Sex and the City:The Movie』的電影海報,圖中的惠妮照片,是惠妮某張日本版單曲的照片!) 前幾天我的YouTube收到一封訊息,好心的網友傳來Whitney Houston's Comeback Album的消息。 看完傳說中的曲目,也去國外惠妮的討論區看了一下反應,似乎很多人都收到了這個消息.... 大部分的惠妮迷,都是一笑置之! 謠傳的曲目如下: 01-Open Your Eyes (Sean Garret) 02-Cant Help Who You Love (Akon, Claude Kelly, Giorgio Tuinfort) 03-Hate (Ryan Tedder) 04-I Turn To You (R. Kelly) 05-All That I Can Give (Alicia Keys) 06-Undefeated (Jim Beanz, Timbaland,Candace Nelson) 07-How Much Strength I Had (Diane Warren) 08-Lost World (Ne-Yo) 09-Never Give In (Jermaine Dupri) 10-The House of The Rising Sun (Mark Ronson) 11-Like I Never Left (Akon, Claude Kelly) 12-Nothing But Love (Fernando Garibay,Franne Golde, Kasia Livingston) 13-Angel Without Wings (Julia Fordham) Not a Tracklist! ;) Just one collection of all rumored songs! xoxo Still to come... Will I Am Polow da Don DJ Premier Eric Lee Hudson John Legend Source: YouTube 這只是謠傳喔! 請勿當真..... 題外話: 我覺得我做的 Whitney Houston - Like I Never Left(Feat. Akon)MV 比較好看!