
Showing posts from March, 2009


首先要感謝 David , Eric 的體諒,在2009/03/28聚會的那天,因Davin我開會的行程延遲,導致原先約定好的午茶聚會,變成了晚餐+晚茶聚會! 由左至右依序為: David , Davin , Eric Davin的叮嚀: 請多關懷獨居老人Davin,David,以及剛要走出失戀傷痛的老人Eric! 3/28這天開會開到下午五點多的我,在 親切到不行 的David哥專車接送下 ,到了台中的勤美誠品和Eric會合,進行我們的晚餐約會..... 在到了勤美誠品的入口,我和David開始尋親... David打了電話給Eric,卻沒人接.... (那時Eric應該是在注意路上的漂亮美眉,所以忽略了David的電話..... 老人我嚴重懷疑,Eric是故意假裝沒聽到電話鈴響的! ) 在等待餐廳服務人員把座位清出來的時間,我們三人稍微寒喧了一下,藉此熟絡一下。等到入座後,老人三人組,很有默契的點了相同的餐點- 照燒雞肉蓋飯 。 為了向大家交代當日的聚會實況,Eric充當攝影師,為我們拍照~~ Eric真正是"就甘心"啊! 雙D二人組合照-1 (David,Davin) 如果台北的惠妮迷 Devin 也有參加聚會的話,光是唸我們3個人的名字,就應該會讓一堆人瘋掉吧!.... 繞舌大考驗(David,Davin,Devin) 用餐的同時,聊的話題除了Whitney外,批評Mariah是一定要的啊!(咪咪那天耳朵應該會很癢...) 在Eric的要求下,我們三人都拍了獨照~~ David心中OS:這聚會到底啥時結束啊? 那兩個人真的很吵又聒噪...... Davin心中OS:聊到不知道要說啥了..... 其他2個老人,總該提個梗來延續話題吧...... 由於是在假日聚會,在我們三人都用完餐點沒多久,服務人員隨即來詢問我們是否還需要啥服務,以及大概還需要多少時間繼續用餐。(該餐廳人員以柔性口吻,催促我們結帳走人...) PS.Eric的獨照部份,請期待 焦糖啟的時光旅行 獨家報導! 出了餐廳後,我們來到了 これは 目覚まし珈琲 (資深惠迷-權哥的咖啡店) 雙D二人組合照-2 (David,Davin) David心中OS:趕快把飲料喝完,好回家"噗浪"一下, 不然那Davin不知道還要講多久...... Davin心中OS:這姿勢...

Dennis DeYoung - Call me

Dennis DeYoung,前冥河合唱團 Styx的主唱。『Call me』一曲收錄於Dennis DeYoung在1986年發行的第二張個人專輯「 Back To The World 」中。周華健也曾在他的英文專輯中翻唱過。 初次聽到這首歌,是在我專一的時候。那時的我在Live Band Pub打工,店裡的樂團吉他手,超愛唱這首歌。在那段年少輕狂的日子裡,我的第二任女友,琵琶別抱... 於是乎,當年還是失戀少男的我,常點這首歌給自己聽,然後跑到廁所抽菸+暗自垂淚~~ Dennis De Young - Call me Rain began to fall softly As she gazed around the room Even now she wondered what went wrong A letter in her hand trembled As she placed it by the phone All at once there were footsteps by the door She didn't want a confrontation to tear them apart She wasn't sure of all the feelings racing through her heart 雨輕輕的下了起來 當她環視這個房間 即使現在,她仍不明白究竟出了什麼差錯 信在她手上顫抖著 她把信放在電話旁邊以後 立刻走出門外 她不願信在面前被撕成碎片 她甚至無法確定在心中翻騰的情緒 I looked into her eyes Knowing something wasn't right And suddenly the tears began to show Babe, I know that it's wrong But you know I'm really not that strong How I wish I could tell you that I am But before I even read this letter I want you to stay But if I see your mind's made up There's one thing I...

Whitney Houston Out With Her Dogs....

After spending the night at a plush Beverly Hills Hotel, Whitney Houston and a young male companion walk her two dogs at 8am. 03/24 09 惠媽的新任小狼狗誕生了嗎? 這女人不積極把唱片錄好發行,只顧享受 青春的肉體 ... 還好氣色不錯,算 採陽補陰得當 ,希望那嗓音也有回春一些...

Yes,We Can!

這不是勵志文章喔,也不是藥酒廣告... 去年的10月份,我在亂逛國外惠妮論壇的時候,老外分享了一個好笑的短片,內容是Aretha Franklin在2008年於D.C的演唱會上,演唱了Mariah Carey的最新冠軍單曲『Touch My Body』。 Aretha Franklin singing Mariah's Touch My Body in DC Uploaded by davinchao Aretha阿姨在演唱時,刻意撥弄頭髮的動作,每看一次,我就笑一次...( 老人我最近的笑點很低...XD ) 沉迷 噗浪 的老人我,經由網友的分享,看到了Aretha阿姨另外一個版本的『Touch My Body』... Aretha阿姨在發覺自己唱不下去的時候,說了以下的話... Aretha Franklin :Can somebody tell Mariah I can't sing that stuff? "Wrestle me around" ... "throw me on the floor"? I don't think so. "You know, you'd have to go home if you come here with that. You'd have to get on up out of here." 正常人可能無法把Aretha阿姨抱起來轉圈,然後再把Aretha阿姨摔在地上... 但各大貨運港的超大型起重機操作工人..... 絕對能勝任這項工作... 幾乎每年都會到Clive Davis' PreGrammy Party湊熱鬧的Josh Groban,在節目主持人Ellen的要求下,兩人合唱了Bonnie Tyler 1983年的經典名曲『Total Eclipse Of The Heart』。 Josh Groban還蠻適合走冷面笑匠路線的.....XD 老人叮嚀: 每日大笑三聲,有益健康....

Monica新歌『One In A Lifetime』曝光....

許久沒新作問世的Monica,最新單曲已在網路上曝光囉! Monica - One in a Lifetime (produced by Bryan Michael-Cox) Monica的復出專輯,目前尚無確切的發行日期!

Deborah Cox - The Promise

在2008.11.11默默發行新專輯的加拿大女伶Deborah Cox,將在2009.3.29出席JUNO Award (Canada's Music Awards),『The Promise』專輯入圍了2009 JUNO Award的最佳R&B/Soul專輯。 這張總長只有39分54秒的新專輯,在排行榜上的成績如下: The Billboard 200 #106 on November 29, 2008 在R&B專輯榜中,進榜14周,目前名次為#68 相較於去年11月同期發片的歌手來說,Deborah Cox的相關宣傳活動或是花邊新聞,可說是少的可憐。 Brandy小姐至少還有車禍肇事逃逸及老弟Ray J & Whitney的新聞可以炒作,雖然專輯一樣賣座奇慘無比 目前此張專輯,台灣方面好像還沒有唱片公司代理發行,Deborah Cox的歌迷如果要入手的話,可能只有到國外的網站才買的到囉! Track Listing: 1. Love Is Not Made in Words 2. You Know Where My Heart Is 3. Did You Ever Love Me 4. Saying Goodbye 5. Beautiful U R 6. Promise 7. All Over Me 8. All Hearts Aren't Shaped the Same 9. Down 4 U 10. Where Do We Go 2 Deborah Cox - Beautiful U R Deborah Cox相關網站: Deborah Cox Official Website Deborah Cox Official MySpace page Deborah Cox YouTube Channel DEBORAH COX IS BACK!: 'The Promise' is singer's first release in six years. *(New York, NY) - International recording artist DEBORAH COX makes a strong return to the musical landscape with her indepe...

Rihanna to hit the big screen with 'Bodyguard'

Rihanna/Channing Tatum flick,New“The Bodyguard.”? 雨傘妹Rihanna至紐約洽談轉戰大螢幕的拍片計畫! 據傳可能拍新版的"The Bodyguard終極保鑣"~~~ Rihanna may get a bodygaurd - on the big screen. The battered pop star made an impromptu trip to the Big Apple over the weekend to have some meetings about impending projects: one of which is a proposed remake of 1992’s Whitney Houston/Kevin Costner flick, “The Bodyguard.” Rihanna would be taking on Whitney’s role in the updated version, which an insider says would be a “ young and sexy take ” on the favorite film. “GI Joe” hottie Channing Tatum ’s name has been bandied about to take on Costner’s role. “Before the situation with Chris, Ri was getting a lot of scripts. She’s been wanting to do movies for a while now,” our insider reveals. In addition to a proposed “Bodyguard” remake, Rihanna is also considering working on a “Charlies Angels” sequel, as well as potentially starring alongside Justin Timberlake, with whom she released her hit single “Rehab.” Rihanna’s camp...

Julia Roberts & Clive Owen再次攜手合作新片"Duplicity"

Julia Roberts and Clive Owen walked the red carpet together in London on Tuesday night. (Source: ETonline ) Roberts in a classy black pants suit and Owen in a chic coat and tie, premiered their new spy thriller 'Duplicity' at the Empire Cinema in London, England. The two stars reunite on the big screen in their new film, they co-starred in the drama 'Closer' in 2004. Davin我的好萊塢最愛-Julia Roberts,繼2004年與Clive Owen合作"Closer"(台譯片名:偷情)之後,今年再次與Clive Owen合作新片"Duplicity(台譯片名:口是心非)"。星期二晚上,兩人出席在倫敦舉行的首映會。 "Duplicity(台譯片名:口是心非)"劇情簡介及上映訊息: 導演、編劇 : Tony Gilroy【神鬼認證:最後通牒-編劇】 演員 : Julia Roberts,Clive Owen,Tom Wilkinson,Paul Giamatti,Carrie Preston,Thomas McCarthy,Ulrich Thomsen,Wayne Duvall,Cassidy Gard,Rick Worthy,Christopher Denham,Tom Stratford. 北美映期:2009/03/20 台灣映期: 2009/03/20 (延後至2009/06/05上映) ◎劇情簡介 美國甜心Julia Roberts茱莉亞羅勃茲繼《Closer偷情-2004》後再度和英國型男Clive Owen克萊夫歐文合作,《神鬼認證:最後通牒》編劇湯尼蓋洛,繼《全面反擊》入圍七項奧斯卡獎後的最新作品。 茱莉亞羅勃茲及克里夫歐文在片中飾演一對正在偷偷戀愛的商業間諜,當他們發現自己被捲入後果嚴重的...

Amy Winehouse Banned From the U.S. (Again)

Amy Winehouse再次被美國拒絕入境! A year and a half after she was barred from entering the country to attend the Grammys because of a drug rap, U.S. authorities are now refusing to grant the "Rehab" singer a work visa to perform at next month's Coachella festival, citing her assault arrest last week. Her rep said that Winehouse would not be able to appear at the mega festival in Indio, Calif., due to her "current legal issues." "[Her] legal case would not be sorted out in time for her to make the music fest," said publicist Chris Goodman. That means Winehouse will no longer be part of a high-octane lineup that includes Paul McCartney, the Cure, the Killers, Leonard Cohen, My Bloody Valentine and Conor Oberst, among many others. The visa decision is a big blow to Winehouse, who has been trying to work through her myriad personal issues and focus on her career. Winehouse's latest trouble dates back to her September set at London's exclusive End of Summer B...

Bringing Whitney Houston Back

Move over Britney, Whitney Houston is ready to take the title of comeback queen. And David Foster, the legendary hit-maker for stars ranging from Barbra Streisand and Celine Dion to Madonna and Michael Jackson, is finally talking about his reunion with the superstar. Foster collaborated with Houston on the blockbuster soundtrack single "I Will Always Love You." He knows fans are wondering if she's ready to resume her hugely successful career after years battling her personal demons. Q: You and Whitney are finally together again. How is she doing? David Foster: I was in the studio with her last week. She's in great shape and she looks good. We have this fantastic song that Diane Warren wrote and we went in and recorded it. It went really well. Her work ethic was exactly the way it was when we did the song for The Bodyguard. She worked incredibly hard for two nights and we came up with something really good. Q: Whitney has been through some tough times. Do you think she...


當 黃大煒 唱著: 哦 愛 讓我變得看不開 哦 愛 讓我自找傷害 你把我灌醉 你讓我流淚 扛下了所有罪 我拚命挽回 你把我灌醉 你讓我心碎 愛得收不回 嗯... 愛戀的傷痛,那時只有淚水懂..... 當 蔡健雅 唱著: 如果你愛著我 而我也愛著你 結果還是有段 跨不過的距離 這時離開 還依然美麗 那逝去的戀情,將會是下一段完美戀曲的開始..... 黃大煒 - 你把我灌醉 蔡健雅 - 如果你愛我 其實關於愛情這門學分,要修得圓滿,著實是件難事.... 緣份來的時候,要緊緊把握.... 當緣盡情了時,就讓時間去沖淡一切吧! 為情所困的朋友們,加油咧! PS.老人Davin我,沒有失戀!只是有感而發..... 真害... 沒有人可以愛啊~~~~