
Showing posts from June, 2009

惠妮官網經典MV倒數-"My Love Is Your Love"

惠妮官網本週經典MV回顧是"My Love Is Your Love" "My Love Is Your Love" is the next video up in Whitney's countdown. With its mid-tempo, reggae-influenced groove and production courtesy of Wyclef Jean (who also made a cameo in its fun-loving video), "My Love Is Your Love" was the title track and fourth single taken from Whitney's blockbuster 1998 album, which would go on to sell an estimated 10 million copies worldwide. In fact, after hitting the Top Ten in nearly two dozen countries, "My Love Is Your Love" also became one of Whitney's biggest worldwide hits, trailing only "I Will Always Love You" and "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)" with its more than 3 million units sold. Source: Whitney 官網目前已經將原先Just Whitney的圖像換掉,惠媽的單曲 I Didn't Know My Own Strength Remix版上週也在紐約的夜店曝光試水溫,目前普遍反應都還不錯。 沒有意外的話,本週唱片公司應該會公佈專輯封面。至於首支單曲,可能會在7/14左右發行,請大家耐心等候囉! Whitney Houston - My Love Is Your Love

Whitney Shares Her Thoughts On Michael Jackson's Passing

"It is so hard to express in words what Michael Jackson meant to me. He was my friend. He was one of the reasons I got into the music business. He inspired me. He taught me. He laughed with me. He paved the way for African American artists to be played on MTV which was huge. My heart is full of grief for his family and his children and I pray that they take solace in the incredible legacy of his music and art." Source:

BREAKING NEWS: Whitney's New Album Title Announced!

等待是否值得,端看每個人的感受不同。 Arista Records官方剛剛釋出消息,惠妮的新專輯名稱是 I Look To You . We're excited to announce that Whitney's highly-anticipated new album, set for September 1, 2009 worldwide release on Arista Records, will be titled I Look To You . Source: Whitney Houston unveils official album title Whitney Houston is looking to you with her first album in nearly seven years. Due for release in September, Houston has decided to go with the title "I Look To You" ! News of Houston's album title selection was issued Thursday, just weeks after the release date of September 1 was announced. Houston's webiste, whitney, is also pulling out all the stops for what appears to be a video countdown as September draws closer. Videos including Houston's "Queen of the Night" are playing on the site in addition to an exclusive video mash up of her hits including "Step By Step". According to management, an album cover for the diva...


莫文蔚的最新數位專輯,是一張翻唱歌曲專輯。所選的歌曲大多是內地的民謠為主,首波單曲是新疆民謠《打起手鼓唱起歌》。原曲的歌詞實在是太 社會主義 ,太 大中國思想 ,對對岸當局整個歌功頌德到不行。 應該是考量到時局的不同,新版的《打起手鼓唱起歌》歌詞,則是把牽扯到黨國思想的歌詞全部改掉了。 莫文蔚-回蔚 專輯 曲目: 1.打起手鼓唱起歌 2.東方紅 3.太陽出來喜洋洋 4.茉莉花 5.吐魯番的葡萄熟了 6.兩隻蝴蝶 7.2002年的第一場雪 8.狼愛上羊 9.密流 10.回蔚 首支單曲《打起手鼓唱起歌》 歌詞: 打起手鼓唱起歌 我騎著馬兒翻山坡 千里牧場牛羊壯 豐收的莊稼閃金光 我的手鼓縱情唱 歡樂的歌聲震山河 草原盛開幸福花 花開千萬朵 來來來 來來來 來來來 打起手鼓唱起歌 我騎著馬兒跨江河 歌聲溶進泉水裡 流的家鄉遍地歌 我的手鼓縱情唱 唱不盡美好的新生活 站在草原望北京 越唱歌越多 打起手鼓唱起歌 我唱的豪氣紅似火 各族人民肩併肩 前進的道路多寬闊 我的手鼓縱情唱 快馬加鞭○○○ ○○永遠在邊疆 歌聲永不落 來來來 來來來 來來來 ○○的部份,是我聽不懂歌詞的部份....XD 小莫新浪博客 對這支單曲的介紹如下: 打起手鼓唱起歌 作曲:施光南 作詞:韓偉 編曲:鄭偉 製作人:張亞東 主唱:莫文蔚 我此刻的心情實在是太興奮了,因為我要跟大家正式介紹我第一張翻唱專輯,同時也是我第一張數位專輯《回蔚》的第一首歌曲《打起手鼓唱起歌》。這首耳熟能詳的歌由我來演唱大家可會有點意想不到呢?其實我現在興奮的心情就像這首歌一樣,希望大家一起和我分享這次的全新作品,以這首歌作為序幕實在最恰當不過! 這首富有濃郁新疆特色的民族歌曲,是於七十年代由中國著名的作曲家施光南先生所創作的,歌曲中充份表達出人民對祖國的熱愛。而我在多年前跟這首歌曲已經有過一段邂逅;在2002年我參加過在南寧舉行的民歌音樂節,製作單位當時希望由我來演繹這首歌,所以亦因而認識到此曲,還第一次在舞臺上演繹,帶給大家一個不一樣的驚喜。最讓我感動的是在場的觀眾也跟著我一起唱,場面實在令我十分難忘。 這是一首家傳戶曉的歌曲,歌曲中充滿活力和喜悅,讓人容易感染到歌中歡樂的氣氛!我希望今次透過演繹一些耳熟能詳的歌曲,可以讓大家重新領略到音樂所能帶給我們的快樂。至於編曲方面,我們既保留了原本的民族曲風也加上現代的新元素,聽起來...

Alicia Keys Gone A Milli for Whitney Houston, Talks Fourth Album

謠傳Alicia Keys剛完成與惠媽的錄音工作... It's no secret that Alicia Keys is busy working on new music but a rumored collaboration with returning 'Bodyguard' vocalist Whitney Houston is creating buzz across the net. Keys, currently working on the follow up to 2007s "As I Am," is rumored to have penned a song for the former "I Have Nothing" singer titled "Million Dollar Bill" ! Revealed by Showbiz411's Roger Friedman, "Million Dollar Bill" precedes Key's fourth studio album and a host of projects coming from music icon Clive Davis. If the song makes the cut, "Million Dollar Bill" would join a soon to be released Diane Warren and David Foster helmed single, set to lead Houston's as-yet-untitled comeback in September. Speaking of the single with enthusiasm, Warren says "Whitney's back big time". But Houston is not the only one with an album coming out this fall. Alicia Keys' currently in production effort is sla...


曾說過考慮不再發行實體唱片的Karen,即將發行個人首張數位專輯『回蔚』。目前暫定以中國移動的數字音樂平台12530.com來首發這張數位專輯,6/23將會在金茂北京威斯汀飯店舉行發片記者會。 此張數位專輯,是由張亞東、李焯雄及小莫3人共同創作。台灣部份目前尚無相關發行計畫! 連 小莫個人的YouTube 也鎖台灣的IP,真是 Karen在個人新浪博客所發表的相關發行消息: Karen莫文蔚憑著《拉活》專輯不但拉闊了大家對音樂的聽覺及視野,更為她帶來一座華語樂壇最高榮譽-台灣金曲獎最佳演唱專輯大獎;這些日子她致力籌劃製作更好的音樂,在尋求突破之際她終於想到將一些經歷過歲月沖刷仍歷久不衰,讓人回味不已的經典歌曲混合全新旋律和歌詞貫上新靈魂,並聯同樂壇舉足輕重的音樂人張亞東和李焯雄炮製了一張打破音樂國界,包羅萬象的專輯《回蔚》,更率先採用中國移動的數字音樂平台12530.com來首發這張數位專輯。 要做一張翻唱作品的專輯其實並不容易,要做一張將經典歌曲重新改造的翻唱專輯更不容易;其實在《拉活》專輯中她已經大膽創新,嘗試將一些中外古今經典樂曲及她自己的創作糅合一起,《回蔚》將這個精神推往另外一個更高的層次。專輯中不但有中國音樂的精髓民族經典,還有歐洲古典歌劇跟中國民歌中西合璧的結合,當然不乏七、八十年代的經典華語流行歌曲,總括來說這是一張打破國界,收錄最讓人驚喜作品的專輯。而這一次選定翻唱的歌曲更是讓人有驚喜的感覺,首波主打歌《打起手鼓唱起歌》就是一個最佳的例子,可能大部分的樂迷都想像不到Karen會跟這首民族經典有任何關聯,其實Karen早在2002年在南寧音樂節中曾經演唱過,當時反應極之良好,所以她這一次便決定重新演繹,務求讓大家以一個不一樣的角度聆聽這首作品! 《回蔚》的音樂製作班底更是史上最強的“鐵三角”陣容;繼上一次《密流》單曲跟張亞東合作過之後,歌曲在中國移動音樂平台中發布過後受到高度的注視,彩鈴及歌曲的下載量更是非常高,加上二人在音樂上的理念十分相近,所以便立刻有感需要來一次完整的專輯合作!這一次他們更一起埋首為幾首舊歌中加上全新創作的旋律,作品推出的時候將必引起觸目。另外當然少不了和Karen合作無間的填詞人李焯雄,為了要在舊歌的歌詞中加上新詞,想出關聯並延伸其意思實在是很困難,不過功力深厚的李焯雄卻從未讓Karen失望過,大家請拭目以待! 談到造型方面,...

Whitney Houston new album ads posted in NYC and Atlanta

惠媽新專輯文宣廣告在紐約市街頭曝光! 只是這廣告也太寒酸了點吧...XD 新專輯相關消息真是少的可憐,等待新消息發布之餘,還是要繼續愛惠喔! 推薦David自製混音 Whitney Houston - "I'm Every Diva" Megamix Whitney Houston - "Greatest Love Songs Of All" Medley David's YouTube: corazonazultw Davin's YouTube: davinchao1975


自從6/4惠媽官網丟出確認復出大碟發行日期的消息後,相關發行消息的新聞實在是少的可憐。中外的惠妮迷都不禁要納悶,不是說 The Wait Is Over ! ,那為何大家依舊還是在等待新專輯的相關消息及新單曲的發行咧~~ 連原先傳出與惠媽差不多時間要出片的 發福蝶 ,都已經在本週發行新單曲 OBSESSED (台灣區預計8月發行此單曲),而象腿天后的新專輯『Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel』(中譯:破碎天使回憶錄),也從原先預定的9月發行,提早至2009/08/25發行。 反觀我們家女神Whitney Houston,妳是到底何時才要推出首波單曲啊? 可能是Arista唱片聽到了惠妮迷的不耐,有稍微在做事,默默進行惠媽新專輯的發行相關動作。除了惠媽的相關網站都進行更新外,網路廣告也已經On檔。 官網最新更新如下: Count Down to Whitney's New Album with her Video Rewind As we count down the days until the release of Whitney Houston's highly anticipated new album on September 1st, we'd like to invite you to look back on Whitney's most era-defining videos, which will be showcased right here on every week! First up is "The Greatest Love of All," one of the signature ballads from Whitney's 13x Platinum debut album from 1986, Whitney Houston, and its third U.S. #1 single. The song also reached #8 in the UK and became Whitney's first #1 in Australia, on its way to being nomina...

Mary J Blige預定在November,2009推出全新錄音室大碟

2009年的秋季,許多女伶級歌手將相繼推出全新個人專輯! 關於Mary J Blige新專輯的消息,隨著第一首單曲 One 曝光後,專輯的相關消息也越來越多。 Mary J Blige Tags Jazmine Sullivan For Fall Album Whitney and Mariah; Jennifer Hudson and Fantasia; and Aretha and Lauryn Hill have all teamed up and given us magic with songs like "A Rose Is Still A Rose". According to Mary J Blige, her forthcoming album will feature a record with five time "Fearless" Grammy nominee Jazmine Sullivan. "So far we have TI, Drake, and a song with Jazmine Sullivan," Blige confirmed via Sirius Radio over the weekend. "She's (Sullivan) on one of the songs," Mary went on to confirm. Slated for release in November, Blige's forthcoming album is all about being happy according to the former "No More Drama" singer. In fact, Blige knows all women will be happy when this particular effort his stores and digital retailers. "Ladies this album is crazy. Anything you could ever want or desire from Mary is on this album. Come No...

Deborah Cox接受專訪談及新工作計畫及對Whitney復出的看法

Fast & Furious: Deborah Cox goes green for LA Pride Deborah Cox’s unwavering support for the gays isn’t anything new. Now, though, she’s also turning her attention to the earth. The big-voiced belter known for her hit “Absolutely Not” was crowned “National Green With Pride Ambassador” for L.A. Pride, which is launching an eco-friendly approach to this year’s June 13-14 festivities in West Hollywood. Out spoke with the R&B diva -- and longtime LGBT-rights supporter -- about going green, her three (!) upcoming albums, and what everyone’s wondering lately: Can Whitney Houston really make a comeback? Out: You’re killing two birds with one stone here, supporting the gays and a green initiative. Have you cared about earth issues for as long as you’ve cared about gay ones? Deborah Cox: Yeah, I was an early supporter of bringing your own shopping bags to certain supermarkets. Living in California for a while, [and then] moving here to Florida, I was subconsciously living green again --...

Rob Thomas - Her Diamonds

睽違四年,Rob Thomas第二張全新個人創作專輯『Cradlesong』 2009/06/30發行(U.S),台灣發行日未定~ 首波主打單曲 Rob Thomas - Her Diamonds Lyrics: Oh what the hell she says I just can't win for losing And she lays back down Man there's so many times I don't know what I’m doin' Like I don't know now By the light of the moon She rubs her eyes Says it's funny how the night Can make you blind I can just imagine And I don't know what I’m supposed to do But if she feels bad then I do too So I let her be And she says oooh I can't take no more Her tears like diamonds on the floor And her diamonds bring me down Cuz I can't help her now She’s down in it She tried her best and now she can't win it's Hard to see them on the ground Her diamonds falling down She sits down and stares into the distance And it takes all night And I know I could break her concentration But it don't feel right By the light of the moon She rubs her eyes Sits down on the bed and starts to cry And there's someth...

Whitney Houston will talk, but no substance

為了即將發行的新專輯,惠妮已經開始著手準備上白天時段的訪談性節目做宣傳及現場演唱。 Whitney Houston is ready to talk about her seven-year exile from recording — but nobody better bring up drugs! With her new album due out Sept. 1, Houston's handlers are getting requests from everybody in the entertainment media for interviews with the reclusive 45-year-old diva. So who will get the first sit-downs? Apparently, the people who play ball. “They only want to let her talk to journalists who'll agree not to ask about her substance abuse,” an insider tells us. A rep for Houston calls speculation on any PR plans “premature. Nothing has been set.” But we hear the edict goes for the TV morning shows, which are all angling to get her to perform live. “The deal is, if they want her, then Matt Lauer, Diane Sawyer or whoever isn't supposed to ask her tough questions,” says the source. Good luck with that. Elsewhere in the biz: Shakira's rep is dismissing talk that she's ready to jump from Epic. Members of her camp are s...

What does Mariah think about Whitney Houston's return to music?

發福蝶最近很用力在宣傳新片『Tennessee』,日前在接受媒體訪問時,記者問到她對惠妮的復出有啥看法! Mariah wasn't allowed to bring her diva persona to the set of “Tennessee,” as she and producer Lee Daniels both told us. But it was Lee that made it clear Mariah often just plays the role of superstar. Plus, what does Mariah think about Whitney Houston's return to music? 咪咪對記者說:她一直以來都很支持惠妮,無論惠妮決定做什麼,她覺得惠妮都會做的很好! Source: Access Hollywood 另一則新聞則是咪咪對蘇珊大嬸的崩潰提出她的看法,在訪談中也提到了惠妮。 Mariah Not Surprised by Boyle's Breakdown Superstar Mariah Carey tells "Extra" she's not the least bit surprised that Susan Boyle was freaked out by her newfound fame. The five-time Grammy winner suffered from a physical and emotional breakdown in 2002, and she confesses, "I feel bad for her, but I think in this society we build people up so quickly now, of course it's going to freak some people out. It's difficult. It's got to be tough." "Britain's Got Talent" megastar Susan Boyle became an overnight se...

Whitney's New Album Features Alicia Keys, Akon

這是我在6/6發的文章,因為有更新報導,所以我重新整理後再重發文! Here's a little more info on Whitney Houston 's still untitled new comeback album . I told you eariler this week that Whitney's album was done, and would be released by the Grammy deadline cut off of August 31, 2009. Well, yesterday Arista Records confirmed it. There's one weird hitch: the album will go on September 1st, one day after the deadline. I know, it doesn't make any sense. Maybe it's a shipping thing, and the Grammys will allow a 24 hour grace period. More importantly, here's some news: Alicia Keys wrote and produced a track on the album for Whitney. Houston has been “working” Alicia for a couple of years, and it finally happened. The track is also produced by Alicia's reported current love interest, the producer Swizz Beatz . (His real name is Kasseem Dean, by the way.) There are tracks on Whitney's album from Diane Warren , Stargate , and other top producers of the day. But the first single is set to be...

The Wait Is Over! Whitney Houston's New Album Set For Release September 1, 2009

Arista Records在惠媽官網上發布消息,2009/09/01發行惠媽的第7張全新錄音室專輯! Whitney Houston's new album will be released worldwide September 1, 2009 on Arista Records. This is Whitney's 7th studio album. Since her 1985 self-titled debut, she has built an illustrious career that has generated over 170 million combined worldwide sales of albums, singles and videos. Cited by the Guinness Book of World Records as music's "most awarded female artist of all time," with an unsurpassed tally of 411 awards, inclusive of 6 Grammy Awards, 2 Emmy Awards, 23 American Music Awards and 16 Billboard Music Awards... Whitney remains a singular force in music today. Be sure to visit regularly for up-to-date album information, exclusive photos and more exciting news! Source: 終於要發行了! 官網有新的宣傳影片及發行倒數喔~~ THE WAIT IS OVER Whitney Houston’s Long-Awaited Comeback LP Due in September “The Wait Is Over!” shouted the official press release this morning: After a six-year abs...

Rumored Whitney's New Album release date

關於惠媽的新專輯發行日, 目前最新謠傳是在2009.9.1發行。 經J/Arista Records唱片公司官方證實2009/09/01為惠媽新專輯發行日。 目前在, 還開放預購咧.... 已經開放預購! 相關發行日消息來源如下: 除了等待之外,還能怎麼辦咧~ Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting

Whitney Houston Nears Album Deadline, Will She Make It ?

Whitney Houston is getting close to an extremely important deadline and some say she might miss it ! The lauded diva, who has been mounting a comeback for years, is close to finishing an effort Clive Davis admits even he is excited about. "You wait for the material to justify a new album... it's come in," Davis shared this spring. With the excitement building and Houston reportedly nearing completion, sources say the diva may miss the all too important Grammy Award deadline of August 31. New for this year, the submission period deadline has been bumped up with the show, which is now set for January 31, 2010, instead of the usual February date. Due to this, Fox columnist Roger Friedman says everyone from Whitney to Mariah is scrambling to finish up. While things look good for Mariah, who as reported Tuesday, has been tinkered up for a early September date (with a single dropping before the August 31 deadline), Houston may be in trouble. In fact, the same situation occurred...

Whitney, Mariah: Grammy Deadline Looms

Whitney Houston ’s new CD, her big comeback effort, is said to “near ready,” “almost done,” or “just about finished.” I’d heard last week that Clive Davis was putting a September release date on it. But really, here’s the thing: the Grammy deadline is August 31st. That’s a month earlier than usual because the Grammy Awards are a week earlier this year, on January 31, 2010. Yes, that’s right: a week, a month. It makes no sense, but that’s what they did at Grammy HQ. At the end of January 2010 they’re going to give out awards for music released between October 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009. And Whitney’s comeback may not make that deadline. Of course, it’s possible a single could be released by then. But that’s always a tricky story. J Records tried that with Alicia Keys a couple of years ago, with “No One” making the cut. A year later, her very good album, “As I Am,” seemed old. At the same time, Mariah Carey is buzzing away in the studio for her new CD, called “Memoirs of an Imperfect...


2009.5.31舉行的MTV Movie Award,發生了史上最爆笑的畫面。 天上掉下來的天使,不見得人人都愛! 相關新聞如下: Bare-Butt Sacha Baron Cohen Lands In Eminem’s Lap As ‘Bruno’ At MTV Movie Awards Eminem apparently has flown the coop from the MTV Movie Awards after a close encounter with Sacha Baron Cohen. In character as flamboyant fashion reporter “Bruno,” Baron Cohen flew in above Sunday’s award show audience on a wire — and in a pair of feathery white wings and his rear end mostly exposed. But the comedian crashed into an overhead obstacle, and he was lowered into the audience — right into Eminem’s lap, his bare hindquarters in the rapper’s face. Eminem seemed visibly upset at the mishap. Or was it a joke he was in on? The rapper stormed out with his entourage in tow — and cameras rolling. In 2002, Sparks flew when the rapper was interviewed by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog at the MTV Video Music Awards. Source: Sacha Cracks Up, Eminem Walks Out It was shades of Shaq last night at the MTV Movie Awards, when Sa...

Report: Jennifer Hudson Is Pregnant

報載:Jennifer Hudson已經懷孕7個月,並已經在芝加哥老家舉行過baby shower派對。 Grammy-winning singer and Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson can add mom-to-be to her resume after a weekend baby shower in her honor was held in downtown Chicago, the Chicago Tribune reports . Felicia Fields, a longtime friend of the Hudson, confirmed to the paper that the event happened on Saturday. "It was a baby shower, a quiet gathering of friends and mostly family," Fields, also a singer and actress, said of a gathering in a relative's home. "They're really trying to keep it kind of quiet." She added: "It was a nice time that we had." When asked if Hudson received blue or pink gifts, Fields said, "They don't know [the gender]. More yellow." Another paper, the Chicago Sun-Times, reports Hudson is seven months along. A rep for Hudson had no comment. Hudson, 27, who is engaged to Harvard-educated-lawyer-turned-wrestler David Otunga, has also kept mum about her upcoming weddin...