
Showing posts from July, 2009


我要哭了..... 今天早上11點多,台灣Sony Music官方收到來自惠妮的問候音訊檔! 音訊檔裡的惠妮,超有元氣的~~ 惠妮親自向台灣歌迷問好,感謝歌迷的支持,希望大家會喜歡她的新專輯! 要聽到惠妮的親口問候,請點右方連結: 惠妮向台灣問好+I LOOK TO YOU專輯歌曲製作介紹 Source: SONY MUSIC 西洋部落格 我瘋了,我一直按F5重整網頁,反覆聽來自惠妮的問候! Whitney,We Love You! 這個時候一定要來聽一下 I Learned From The Best Whitney, I learned from the best, I learned from you!


由於我常做新的Wallpaper及Blog Banner,剛剛我整理了一些自製惠妮桌布上傳到國外的惠妮迷網站裡,讓喜歡惠妮的朋友們一起分享! Wallpapers 1280x960 下載網址: 1280x960_001 這張桌布,是我開始做惠妮桌布的第1張。 Wallpapers 1280x1024 下載網址: 1280x1024_001 下載網址: 1280x1024_002 Wallpapers 1600x1200 下載網址: 1600x1200_001 下載網址: 1600x1200_002 下載網址: 1600x1200_003 Wallpapers 1680x1050 下載網址: 1680x1050_001 下載網址: 1680x1050_002 下載網址: 1680x1050_003 下載網址: 1680x1050_004 下載網址: 1680x1050_005 下載網址: 1680x1050_006 下載網址: 1680x1050_007 下載網址: 1680x1050_008 版權叮嚀:基於著作權之故,若您要重製或發布這些圖檔,煩請知會我一聲(我不是很喜歡部份網民習慣轉載或發布他人的圖文,還大剌剌的說那是他個人的心血作品)! 若有新的桌布完成,我會補在這篇文章中! Wallpapers 1680x1050 下載網址: 1680x1050_009 Update: 下載網址: 1680x1050_010 下載網址: 1680x1050_011 Wallpapers 1280x1024 下載網址: 1280x1024_003 2009/08/15 Update: Wallpapers 1280x1024 下載網址: 1280x1024_004 Wallpapers 1600x1200 下載網址: 1600x1200_004 下載網址: 1600x1200_005 Wallpapers 1680x1050 下載網址: 1680x1050_012 下載網址: 1680x1050_013 2009/08/24 Update: Wallpapers 800x600 下載網址: 800x600_001 Wallpapers 1024x768 下載網址: 1024x768_001 由於原圖尺寸不是很大,所以這張照片我是做比較小的桌布! 對這些桌布,你有任何想法或喜惡請...


全世界都為了惠妮著迷 新專輯在Amazon.com預購成績挺進前10大! 音樂類專輯排行 #4 (最高曾到達 #2) R&B專輯類排行 #6 POP專輯類排行 #7 Billboard R&B 單曲榜 #27 單靠電台點播,目前惠媽新專輯先行暖身單曲 I Look To You ,首週空降Billboard R&B 單曲榜 #27~~~ 爽! Ps.以上成績,是我在發文時的排行...

惠妮官網經典MV倒數-"I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)"

本週惠妮官網經典MV倒數-"I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)" Whitney Houston has enjoyed many dance-flavored hits throughout her career and this week we highlight perhaps her ultimate dance song, "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)". The video opens in muted black and white tones, with Whitney finishing a show for her fans; but as the first verse begins, the clip suddenly explodes into dazzling color. Full of vibrancy thereafter, this video is all about Whitney having fun, including over-the-top hair and fantastic dance segments galore, making it one of Whitney's most widely recognized videos. Not surprisingly, "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 the same day Whitney's second album, Whitney, debuted at #1 - the first time this was ever accomplished by a female artist. The song was also an important step in Whitney's career as it became her first platinum-certified single and received a 1988 Grammy Award for "...

Whitney Houston新專輯提早至August 31st發行!

惠媽官網剛剛公佈,新專輯全球發行日期提早一天至2009/08/31。並提供歌迷下載專輯同名單曲"I Look To You" 檔案! Whitney Houston's Album Moved Up to August 31st Release! (New York, NY -July 28, 2009) Fueled by the continuous excitement from last week's much-buzzed about Whitney Houston album listening events in New York and Los Angeles, Arista Records has moved the release date of I Look To You up to August 31st. As a gift to her fans, a free download of the album's title track, powered by Yahoo! Music, is available now at until July 31st. "I Look To You," a sweeping ballad with Whitney's signature soaring vocals that fans have come to love, was written by R. Kelly. I Look To You, Whitney's 7th studio album, boasts a who's who of A-List songwriters and producers. The final track listing is as follows: 1. Million Dollar Bill 2. Nothin' But Love 3. Call You Tonight 4. I Look To You 5. Like I Never Left (feat. Akon) 6. A Song For You 7. I Didn't Know My Own ...

Kevin Costner大叔上GMA暢談與惠妮合作"The Bodyguard"的感想

17年了,最近沒啥戲可演,換了新老婆的Kevin Costner,今天上了美國晨間新聞節目暢談與惠妮合作的種種! Costner on Houston's New Album: 'I Knew This Day Was Coming' Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston Made Movie Magic in 'The Bodyguard' Whitney Houston, the beauty with the megawatt voice, and Kevin Costner, Hollywood's iconic superstar actor, made screen history in "The Bodyguard." 17 years later, Costner still remembers the decision to cast Houston in the film. "I remember Whitney before she was in the movie," Costner said. "And I just looked at her and I said, 'Oh man, this girl really -- she just really has it.'" Their on-screen chemistry and Costner's vision for how Houston's singing would thread the film together led to a movie that made an indelible mark and to the most successful film soundtrack of all time. Costner calls Houston "a true beauty, and such a musical instrument." "It wasn't really a mystery to me when Whitney ended up in ...


等待似乎永遠都很漫長,還有 36天 惠妮新專輯才會上市。目前曲目雖已公佈,部分歌曲也都有疑似完整版外流,但我巴不得現在就是8月底,可以趕快拿到熱騰騰的女神專輯! 惠妮新專輯中,除了專輯同名單曲 I Look To You 是由 R.Kelly 為惠媽量身打造外,另一首單曲 Salute 也是由 R.Kelly 譜寫,現在為各位送上熱騰騰的 R.Kelly版Demo ....... 另外還要提醒大家,趕快加入 買惠妮救台灣 的行列喔~ 如何加入串聯活動請翻一下我前天的文章: 預購惠妮2009全新專輯"I Look To You",大家一起來! R.Kelly - Salute [Whitney Houston Demo] 我的感想是,希望這首會有舞曲混音版。讓今年秋天,全球舞廳都是惠妮的天下... PS.希望這個檔不要那麼早就又被砍了!

洛杉磯試聽會 電子媒體採訪彙整

MTV News RAW: Whitney Houston (3 Clips) Whitney Houston's I Look To You Was A Labor Of Love "I feel really blessed about the whole project," she says. (7.24.09) MTV Shows Life's Challenges Contributed to Whitney's New Album Whitney Houston references changes, transitions and tests in her life as major contributors to to I Look to You. (7.24.09) MTV Shows Whitney Houston: 'I Wanted An Island Record' Whitney describes working with Akon on the song "Like I Never Left." (7.24.09) MTV Shows 惠妮提到Akon的片段,好可愛! 原本不熟的2人,惠妮為了拉近彼此的距離就問Akon這名字是不是媽媽取的?Akon冷酷的回說,不是,那是罪犯的意思 (A Konvict) (Convict=罪犯的意思) ,現場空氣瞬間凝結。 接著談到為何會請Alicia Keys幫她寫歌的事,惠妮當場哼了Alicia Keys的暢銷單曲,惠媽學Alicia Keys的表情更是一絕! Source: MTV News MTV的採訪檔,原始檔是分成三段,有網友把它合成一個7分多鐘的影音檔,上傳到YouTube。 Whitney Houston - MTV Interview (7/23/09) YouTube檔,請點我觀看! Whitney Houston - CNN Interview (7/23/09) 官方版洛杉磯試聽會影音請點我觀看! 愛惠旗艦店的Bryan有整理了倫敦、紐約、洛杉磯等三場試聽會相關影音檔下載包,詳請請至以下網址觀看! 愛惠旗艦店: [下載] 三場試聽會全記錄大補帖

預購惠妮新專輯"I Look To You",大家一起來!

天后回來了! 預購惠妮2009全新專輯" I Look To You " 大家一起來! Amazon.com目前情義相挺價 $9.99 美元~ 銷售排名也躍升至 第25名! #19 愛惠一族,除了8月底可能會先發行的台壓版以外,美版也要記得收藏喔! 惠妮新專輯"I Look To You"預購活動大串聯 目前我總共做了 三版預購貼紙 ,提供給大家使用! 2009/07/27 Update:新增2張預購貼紙 第一版預購貼紙,尺寸為500x70 貼紙使用語法: <a href="" title="Pre-order Whitney" target='_new'><img border="0" alt="Pre-order Whitney" width="500" src="" height="70"/></a> 第二版預購貼紙,尺寸為250x250 貼紙使用語法: <a href="" title="Pre-order Whitney" target='_new'><img border="0" alt="Pre-order Whitney" width="250" src="


市内電話壞了近2天,連帶影響到我無法上網。昨晚原先想說去網咖好了,但人老了又懶的結果是宅在家把硬碟、家裡都整個大打掃一遍。錯過了惠妮的LA Listening Party及" I Look To You "首播的我,現正拼命在消化許多來不及追的新聞及一堆待回郵件....XD 先為大家整理2009/07/23洛杉磯試聽會的相關消息如下: 官方版洛杉磯試聽會影片 洛杉磯試聽會照片集錦 Clive老爹主持&惠妮開講 Clive老爹&惠妮 惠媽:Stevie Wonder爺爺抱一個吧~ 惠媽與Stevie Wonder爺爺 兩大黑人辣媽:Whitney Houston & Halle Berry Whitney and Garcelle Beauvais Whitney and Beverly Johnson Clive, Whitney, Stevie Wonder, and Jane Fonda Magic Johnson, Whitney, and Cookie Johnson 芭樂情歌教父David Foster、惠妮、芭樂情歌教母Diane Warren、Clive老爹 媒體報導: Check Out the Press Highlights from Whitney's Listening Event in Los Angeles Whitney Houston and Clive Davis previewed Whitney's new album "I Look To You" last night in L.A. and there is no question that it was the talk of the town! Whitney was looking happy and absolutely stunning and don't just take it from us....take a look at some of the great reviews from last night's event. Rap-up: Whit...