
Showing posts from December, 2014

First Look: WHITNEY - The Lifetime Movie

由不知名小咖女星 Yaya DaCosta所領銜主演的惠媽傳記電影" Whitney ",首波預告片日前釋出。關於惠媽的生平,資深歌迷們應該都如數家珍,但對於把一些可能是事實的過往或是謠傳加油添醋赤裸的呈現,對於逝者及其家屬,真的公平嗎? 在這個網路資訊多到爆炸的年代,是與非...........該由誰來判定 ? Everything about the late Whitney Houston is iconic: her voice, her music, and her story. And on Jan. 17, Lifetime will bring Houston’s journey to life in  Whitney , the network’s new Hollywood biopic that stars Yaya DaCosta ( The Butler ) in the title role and was directed by Angela Bassett.