
Showing posts from 2015

Whitney Houston hologram coming in 2016

根據國外傳媒報導,惠妮的虛擬影像演唱會有可能會在2016年實現,屆時大家可以有機會再賭惠媽風采! (Billboard) A  Whitney Houston  hologram is coming in 2016 thanks to Pat Houston, President of the Whitney Houston Estate, and Greek billionaire Alki David, the CEO of Hologram USA.

惠媽愛女Bobbi Kristina Brown過世 (March 4, 1993 - July 26, 2015)

經過了數個月的搶救,惠媽愛女Bobbi Kristina Brown還是蒙主恩召,去天堂常伴母側了。 以下為惠媽官網的聲明稿: It is hard to say goodbye. On Sunday, July 26, Bobbi Kristina Brown made her transition peacefully. The family thanks everyone for their loving thoughts and prayers. As Bobbi Kristina would say: "The wind is behind me and the sun is in my face.”

10 unforgettable comeback tracks

We look at some of the best tracks that relaunched our favourite stars' careers. “Don’t call it a comeback,” as LL Cool J once said, but if there's one thing we love, it’s our favourite popstars making a triumphant return to the charts. Earlier this month, had a little bit of a comeback of our own – we got our hair did and we’ve had a bit of an upgrade too. To celebrate our new look, we remember 10 popstar comeback tracks that relaunched the careers of some brilliant acts.

211惠妮休斯頓忌日 傳記電影首播

《惠妮》中可看到惠妮休斯頓與巴比布朗糾結的愛情與婚姻。(杰德影音) 〔記者鄒念祖/綜合報導〕美國女性頻道Lifetime登台,即日起鎖定MOD146台就能收看精彩節目。2月11日是惠妮休斯頓的忌日,Lifetime頻道將首播《惠妮》,將歌后惠妮休斯頓傳奇的演藝生涯,以及與前夫巴比布朗跌宕起伏5年的婚姻糾葛搬上螢幕。