也不知道是哪來的馬路消息,說惠妮新簽了約! 然後新約的簽約金額高的嚇人,還氣壞一票天后級人物, 結果這烏龍新聞還被中國時報當做"新聞"來發! 中國時報錯誤引用請見此: 天后降臨! 外電報導之一: Whitney Houston's Comeback Continues Thursday, September 27, 2007 By Roger Friedman FOXNews.com Once more, from Wednesday, just in case anyone misunderstood. Contrary to tabloid reports, Whitney Houston does not have a new contract with Arista Records/Sony BMG. She always had a contract. In 2001, L.A. Reid handed her a check for $20 million. She spent it. Her recordings didn’t earn out. So now, still under contract, she’s making a new album. She’s in New York working on what she started in Los Angeles a few months ago. All systems are go. Arista, meanwhile, has rejiggered her financial arrangements. They did not give her $10 million, as reported elsewhere. But sources at the company tell me that Houston has been compensated recently, they’re looking out for her, and making sure she’s happy and in good shape. How will it all turn out? Your guess is as good as mine. ◎大概是講說惠妮的新專...