
Showing posts from September, 2007


也不知道是哪來的馬路消息,說惠妮新簽了約! 然後新約的簽約金額高的嚇人,還氣壞一票天后級人物, 結果這烏龍新聞還被中國時報當做"新聞"來發! 中國時報錯誤引用請見此: 天后降臨! 外電報導之一: Whitney Houston's Comeback Continues Thursday, September 27, 2007 By Roger Friedman Once more, from Wednesday, just in case anyone misunderstood. Contrary to tabloid reports, Whitney Houston does not have a new contract with Arista Records/Sony BMG. She always had a contract. In 2001, L.A. Reid handed her a check for $20 million. She spent it. Her recordings didn’t earn out. So now, still under contract, she’s making a new album. She’s in New York working on what she started in Los Angeles a few months ago. All systems are go. Arista, meanwhile, has rejiggered her financial arrangements. They did not give her $10 million, as reported elsewhere. But sources at the company tell me that Houston has been compensated recently, they’re looking out for her, and making sure she’s happy and in good shape. How will it all turn out? Your guess is as good as mine. ◎大概是講說惠妮的新專...

Whitney Houston spotted with Clive Davis!

容光煥發NEW惠妮! 我最喜歡這張照片了,惠妮笑的好燦爛說! 資料來源 Is Whitney Houston Back? Posted Sep 25th 2007 12:36PM by TMZ Staff Whitney Houston met with Clive Davis at Nobu in New York yesterday and looked good?! The R&B diva was looking more "Waiting to Exhale" and a less the hot mess as she exited the restaurant with the music titan. TMZ asked when her new album was coming out, and the refreshed looking Houston responded, "We're working on it!" Hell to the yes! Now that she is divorced from Bobby Brown, completed a stay in rehab-and signed a $100 million dollar deal in September with Arista Records -the songstress is about to show Britney how a comeback is done! 真是一個令人興奮的好消息! 惠妮當日照片:照片來源 老爹走好咧!這次亮相不能搞砸說。 我來搔首弄姿一下! 我的身材可不像那個"小甜甜"那樣癡肥喔! OH!你問我說那個肥妮在MTV音樂獎的表演如何嗎? 別鬧了,你素水果報派來的吧?我不會去評論那"布蘭妮蛋糕"的表演的.... 來給大家愛的親親!我的新專輯加緊趕工錄製中... 好囉!亮相目的達成了,我要回錄音室工作了。大家要期待我的新專輯喔! 照片集錦: 新聞影音片段請點我觀看

新發行-英版Whitney Houston 'The Ultimate Collection'

資料來源:Home Nestor Minsk Whitney Houston 'The Ultimate Collection'. For the first time ever in a single CD version Sony BMG Music Entertainment is pleased to announce the 29th October 2007 U.K. release of Whitney Houston 'The Ultimate Collection'. Enjoy 18 of the greatest tracks from the original diva of R&B; 'I Will Always Love You' The Bodyguard's signature song which spent 10 weeks at Number 1 in the U.K. charts creating Houston's longest run at the top spot, the uplifting 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody', unforgettable ballads such as 'One Moment In Time' and 'Run To You', plus magical duets with other music luminaries including Mariah Carey and George Michael. When you can call Dionne Warwick your cousin and the legendary Aretha Franklin your Godmother, it's no wonder Whitney Houston is one of the biggest, and best-selling, female artists of all time. Having sold approximately 170 million albums and singles world-wide, bro...


"The Merv Griffin Show",天后首次降臨人間! 1983年,Clive老爹帶著Whitney一起跑通告,在這個當年頗具指標性的脫口秀節目"The Merv Griffin Show"中,Whitney的演唱令傳媒驚艷,天后就此誕生! 在節目中,Whitney演唱了Diana Ross阿姑在1978年的歌舞片The Wiz中的一曲"Home",充分展現獅后風範,大家一起來回顧一下吧! Whitney Houston- Home 註:節目主持人Merv Griffin在今年8月12日辭世,享年82歲。 聽完惠媽的演唱,再來聽一下Diana Ross阿姑的原唱版... Diana Ross - Home (The Wiz) 我的結論是, 薑並不是老的辣 ,阿姑並沒有唱的比較好咧! 沒有冒犯之意,希望Diana Ross阿姑的歌迷不要生氣咧... 最近都沒啥Whitney的消息, 今天中國時報一個很不認真的記者,把2002年Whitney簽新約的消息當成"新"聞來發,還真是無言咧! 詳見下圖:

And I am telling you,I'm not going....

今天聽了原版,超暴力到心痛的! Jennifer Holiday-Dreamgirls劇場原唱(圖左) Jennifer Hudson-Dreamgirls電影版重新演繹(圖右) 先來看(聽)一下,這首歌有多悲... And I am telling you,I'm not going.... (Lyrics by TOM EYEN/Music by HENRY KRIEGER) From the Musical "Dreamgirls" And I am telling you I'm not going. You're the best man I'll ever know. There's no way I can ever go, No, no, no, no way, No, no, no, no way I'm livin' without you. I'm not livin' without you. I don't want to be free. I'm stayin', I'm stayin', And you, and you, you're gonna love me. Ooh, you're gonna love me. And I am telling you I'm not going, Even though the rough times are showing. There's just no way, There's no way. We're part of the same place. We're part of the same time. We both share the same blood. We both have the same mind. And time and time we have so much to share, No, no, no, No, no, no, I'm not wakin' up tomorrow mornin' And findin' that there...

Why Does It Hurt So Bad....

Why Does It Hurt So Bad, Why do I feel so sad, Thought I was over you, But I keep crying... 心痛或心碎了, 那惱人情緒,要該如何宣洩... 來聽... Whitney Houston-Why Does It Hurt So Bad 下面這場現場演出,應該算惠媽近幾年較具代表性的Live! 1996 MTV Movie Awards Live Lyrics Why does it hurt so bad Why do I feel so sad Thought I was over you But I keep crying When I don't love you So why does it hurt so bad I thought I had let you go So why does it hurt me so I gotta get you outta my head It hurts so bad Oh it hurts so bad baby My life's been better Since the day I left you boy I must admit life's been kind to me I went and did the things I said I would boy I found someone who loves me for me Haven't had much drama since the day that we split boy My heart's never been more at ease And when I think of all the things you put me through Leaving you has been the best thing for me So why does it hurt so bad Why do I feel so sad I thought I was over you But I keep crying When I don't love you So why does it hurt so ba...


當初那個單純只是愛唱歌的女孩,笑容已經不復見... 現在臉上及眼神中,有的只是憂鬱和不安... 酒駕的案子,求刑一年兩個月。 再多的後悔及愧對,喚不回那已造成的傷害! 應該很多我的朋友,都不能理解,為何我那麼排斥喝酒這件事!明明我就不是一個酒量差的人,但不管心情多差,多麼HIGH,對於喝酒,我總是敬謝不敏。 原因無他,我的父親曾是酒駕的肇事者,一個婦人的生命,在那次事故中被奪走,我家也因那件事故,付出了慘痛代價,一直到現在,那代價還持續著,負債沒減輕過,只有增加的份。 我一直無法理解所謂的應酬文化,也無法理解"一醉解千愁"有何道理,酒醒之後,該面對的問題依舊在,在被麻醉的片刻,憂愁或許會被遺忘,但該面對的一切,依舊在清醒的那刻,重現眼前。那又何必多此一舉,自誤然後誤人,一個逞強,會讓多少人心碎,會造成多少不可挽回的東西消失,沒有人有答案。 適量的道理,似乎在台灣社會是行不通的,為了表示盡興,一定要喝到去狂吐才算盡興,這是啥歪理,我真的不懂。 林曉培除了金錢的賠償,將來要面對的牢獄之災亦在所難免,但終身伴隨的良心譴責,想必才是她此生最大的功課。 Shino加油! 妳的歌聲相當程度的伴隨某些人的成長,也撫慰了某些人的心靈,期盼妳記取教訓,重新再站起來! 文末來首Shino第三張專輯中的單曲 交叉線 交叉線 作詞:陳衍利 作曲:陳美威 編曲:張翰群 如果不再有任何交集 愛情只是沉溺 I Love You Baby 我不要你 困在我這裡 你勉強給我一個微笑 不敢看我眼睛 別說是難題 你真的不必這樣心虛 對自由貪戀 是你淪陷 眼看你上了癮 一切都來不及 才明白愛已熄滅剩下了灰 那又何必 又何必眷戀 我們只是交叉線 偶然 相遇 交會在命運的點 釋放過激情火燄在一瞬間 那一眼 太衝動看成永遠 我們只是交叉線 雖然 相遇 交會 卻慢慢走遠 既然是各自選擇世界兩邊 無所謂 無所謂 無所謂


Whitney attends Usher's wedding By ROBIN NELSON 資料來源: New York Post September 2, 2007 R&B crooner Usher finally celebrated his marriage to pregnant bride Tameka Foster yesterday, with a celebrity-packed party at a luxury country resort near Atlanta. The pair exchanged vows in front of 200 guests including Oprah Winfrey, Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson and Mariah Carey, according to People magazine. The late-afternoon ceremony was held inside a marble-arched ballroom on the grounds of the enormous 16th-century-style Chateau Elan Winery and Resort, an hour outside Atlanta. 晚一點若有照片,再為大家補上!