
Showing posts from January, 2008

Whitney Houston - I Have Nothing

Don't make me close one more door, I don't wanna hurt anymore. Stay in my arms if you dare, Or must I imagine you there. Don't walk away from me. I have nothing, nothing, nothing If I don't have you, you...... 原曲收錄於(1992) The Bodyguard OST中,此曲我個人覺得,比I Will Always Love You更耐聽,Whitney於此曲情感表現上,更勝專輯中其他的歌曲。 來聽一下1994年,惠妮產後復出的現場表演版本... Whitney Houston - I Have Nothing(1994 AMA LIVE) Lyrics: Share my life, Take me for what I am. 請你融入我的生活,進而了解真正的我 'Cause I'll never change All my colors for you. 我從沒有在你面前掩飾什麼 Take my love, I'll never ask for too much, 請你來愛我,我從來不會過問太多 Just all that you are And everything that you do. 只想了解真正的你每天都在做什麼 I don't really need to look Very much further/farther, 我不需要過度的疑慮什麼 I don't wanna have to go Where you don't follow. 也不會強迫自己刻意去做什麼 I will hold it back again, This passion inside. 我不會再壓抑自己內心的激情 Can't run from myself, 也不會再逃避自己的心 There's nowhere to hide. 因為我已經無處可逃 (Your love I'll remember forever.) 我將永遠記得你的愛 Chorus: Don...

Whitney登上Jet Magazine封面

點我可放大觀看原圖 封面故事:Who's Hot To Watch In 2008 點我可放大觀看原圖 報導內容如下: All eyes are also certainly on super-star Whitney Houston.After years away from the spotlight,2008 promises to be her year to shine again.Her much anticipated CD is slated for release in April,her mentor and hitmaker Clive Davis told JET last year. Houston's most recent recording was last year's Family First with her mother,Cissy Houston,and cousin Dionne Warwick on the soundtrack of Tyler Perry's blockbuster movie,Tyler Perry's Daddy's Little Girls.Her last studio CD was the 2003 holiday CD,One Wish. Houston first won America's heart with her 1985 pop smash hit,You Give Good Love and went on to record one hit after another and branched into movies,including The Bodyguard,Waiting To Exhale and The Preacher's Wife opposite Denzel Washington. Looking fit and fabulous these days,Whitney has put her reported drug usa behind her.She is starting her life and career all over and last year she and s...

Queen of the World!勵志篇。

面對挫折,你拿哪種心態面對?! 在許多人眼裡,我或許不是一個勇於面對挫折的人。都活到這個年紀了,說老不老,說年輕也不年輕;在過往及現正在經歷的受挫經驗裡,我很努力的學習,也很小心翼翼,深怕自己一個不注意而重蹈覆轍,敗在類似的錯誤裡... 在去年寫的文章 Try It On My Own 裡,我有提過說: Whitney Houston是情歌天后 Whitney Houston是舞曲天后 Whitney Houston是口水歌天后 Whitney Houston更是勵志歌曲天后 呼應先前的文章, 『Queen of the World!勵志篇。』 請您一同來感受獅后的勵志歌曲,有多麼振奮人心.... Whitney Houston - Step By Step Artist Site More Videos 你沒聽錯, Whitney Houston - Step By Step 真的是首勵志歌曲,不相信嗎?請看歌詞Lyrics: Well there's a bridge and there's a river that I still must cross As I'm going on my journey Oh, I might be lost And there's a road I have to follow, a place I have to go Well no-one told me just how to get there But when I get there I'll know Cuz I'm taking it Chorus: Step By Step, Bit by Bit, Stone By Stone (Yeah), Brick by Brick (Oh, yeah) Step By Step, Day By Day, Mile by mile (ooh, ooh, ooh) And this old road is rough and ruined So many dangers along the way So many burdens might fall upon me So many troubles that I have to face Oh, but I won...

Bobby Brown's Attempt to Overturn Divorce Denied

消息來源: [] FRIDAY JANUARY 04, 2008 08:25 PM EST By Ken Lee Bobby Brown's attempt to overturn ex-wife Whitney Houston's divorce terms was denied by an Orange County, Calif. judge Friday. "His motion was denied because there were no appearances or phone calls from Mr. Brown today for a scheduled hearing," said court spokeswoman Carole Levitsky. "As of now, there are no more pending court dates in this case." A rep for Brown did not immediately respond for comment. In April 2007, Houston won a default judgment in their divorce – leaving Brown with nothing financially and only visitation rights over daughter Bobbi Kristina, 14. The following month, Brown, 38, sued Houston, 44, for spousal support and shared custody, alleging he was duped into not responding in time to Houston's initial divorce claim. "I just miss my daughter," Brown told PEOPLE last August. "The goal is to see her a lot more and to be involved in the decision making in...


星期六過33歲生日的我,照例去高雄的"環球影城"看免錢的電影。 年紀越大,當你生日的時候,如果沒刻意張揚,大概只有一些網站會寄信恭賀你,順便提醒你,他家網站又辦啥活動,要你趕快去光顧一下...XD(至少對我而言是如此....) 往年我生日的時候,這個時間上檔的片都還蠻令人無言的,像我就看過"小姐好辣",去年則是看"洛基6",今年我原本是想看"美國黑幫"的,無奈周公跟我開會開太久了,導致我錯過場次。只好看了布萊德彼特拿下2007威尼斯影展最佳男主角獎的作品 刺殺傑西 ,160分鐘的片長,著實讓我打發不少時間,至於觀影後的心得,我先賣個關子,改天再寫。 隨著年歲漸長,很多事情我越會去回想,當然也有一些事,是我巴不得永遠忘記的... 今年也才剛開始沒幾天,做好的計畫,該做的改變,我希望都能逐步進行且順利完成,這大概是我唯一的生日願望吧! 壽星今天點播歌曲: 陶晶瑩-年紀大了一點 收錄於1999年發行『我變了』專輯 作詞:陶晶瑩 作曲:陶晶瑩 以為年紀大了一點 臉皮就可以厚一些 遇到喜歡的你時 想不到仍然逃得遠遠 你好像對我笑了兩次 又偷偷看了我幾眼 我還是只能像個 又酷又傲的淑女 假裝沒看見 你笑起來好可愛 髮型也是我喜歡的樣子 可不可以 可不可以 再看我一次 哦 我是白癡 是呆子 是個只會嚷嚷的膽小鬼 站在原地不敢前進也不捨得退 哦 你是太陽 是王子 是我稍縱即逝的戀愛男子 錯過你 會不會錯過幸福的一輩子 你笑起來好可愛 髮型也是我喜歡的樣子 可不可以 可不可以 再看我一次 哦 我是白癡 是呆子 是個只會嚷嚷的膽小鬼 站在原地不敢前進也不捨得退 哦 你是太陽 是王子 是我稍縱即逝的戀愛男子 錯過你 會不會錯過幸福的一輩子 站在原地不敢前進也不想退   錯過你 會不會錯過幸福的一輩子 我想,應該沒幾個人,生日會是像我這種過法,先是狂睡到下午,然後起床打掃房子,接著去看近3個小時的一部電影,接著又回家繼續打掃.....XD 唉.... 我是33歲的孤單老倫.....


2007年的最後一晚,照原訂計畫,我應該是要繼續在家演"宅男"的。不料在晚上11點多,剛洗完澡出來的我,接到了退伍後第一份工作同事鍾老大的來電,鍾老大是我離開那公司後一直有在聯絡的朋友之一;昨晚他邀請我跟他家人一起去吃宵夜跨年,鍾老大這貼心的舉動,也讓我在2007年,少當了一晚"宅男"。 想當年我剛退伍,23歲。而鍾老大足足大我9歲,那時的他,已有一對3歲及2歲的寶貝兒子,我都戲稱他老頭;時間過的真快,如今他家大兒子都已經上國一了,而當初2歲很愛流口水的二兒子,如今也是進入"青春期"開始長青春痘的小男生;而我咧... 則正式邁入 "老頭" 的年紀! 在宵夜席間,我們3個大人及2個小孩,不能免俗的互道了"新年快樂",在倒數的時候,高雄市四處都有人在放煙火,那些不知名的年輕人們則是一直在尖叫(我們去的餐廳隔壁是一家美式PUB,超多老外跟年輕人在狂歡慶祝,整晚都有不知名的女孩在尖叫.....XD)。 鍾老頭問了我一些近況,為了不讓這多年的朋友擔心,自然有些狀況我則是自動省略不談。跨年的這一晚,我很高興能和鍾老頭一家人渡過,雖然在2007年大部分朋友的狀況都不是很好,但我們終究都平安度過了。 有時,我不禁會想, 『平安就是福』 的道理,似乎並不難懂,但為何人們總是會去忽略咧... 很多時候,看到很多人在追求他(她)所要的幸福,但一些平凡到不行的小事,則被視為理所當然,在我眼裡,生活中處處都有"幸福"的事物在發生,而人們大都努力的在追求一些遙不可及,看似虛幻的幸福;而在那些如夢是幻的東西無法追求到時,再來感嘆幸福遙不可及.... 吃完了宵夜,約莫凌晨2點我回到家,帶著些許酒意的我,還是上網摸了一下,不小心看到了聯合報的一篇報導 那英 幸福小女人 ,老那是我一直很欣賞的女藝人之一,雖說她的歌藝並非是像王菲、阿妹那般的出眾,但她的個性,一直是我認為值得佩服及稱許的,東北大妞的直率豪爽個性,不若一般人扭捏,交朋友,如果有此一直率益友相伴,人生路可以少走一些冤枉路! 那英在訪談中提到了與足球浪子高峰的一段婚姻,及現任老公孟桐對她的體貼 據報導,那英與足球浪子高峰的一段婚姻最後以分手告終,付出的眼淚和辛苦只有那英自己知道,說起這段曾經的感情,那英淡淡說了一句:「過去了...