
Showing posts from February, 2009

Whitney - People Magazine Photo Shoot 2009 (Clive Davis' PreGrammy Party)

雜誌掃描檔來囉... 2009 由於老外的掃描圖檔畫質不佳,所以我合併完成的圖, 看起來有點小怪...XD From left: Leona Lewis,Josh Groban,Clive Davis,Kelly Clarkson,Kings of Leon(Matthew Followill,cousin to brothers caleb,Jared and Nathan Followill),Barry Manilow,Jennifer Hudson,Sean Combs,Carrie Underwood,Whitney Houston,Jamie Foxx,Rod Stewart. 歷年照片回顧 2007 2008 這一期People Magazine,台灣在2009.2.24上架.... 博客來書店會在2009.2.28出貨! 點我購買People Magazine時人雜誌 2月23號 / 2009

Whitney Houston tells Rihanna to forget about Chris

惠媽向雨傘妹Rihanna溫情喊話... 要雨傘妹Rihanna忘了Chris Brown。 Legendary singer Whitney Houston reportedly warned Rihanna to cut all ties with Chris after the 'Run It' star was arrested for allegedly beating her up. Whitney - who had a violent relationship with ex-husband Bobby Brown - is believed to have spoken to Rihanna, advising her: "Don't make the same mistakes I did." A source told the National Enquirer magazine: "When Whitney heard what had happened to Rihanna, she was close to tears. Right then she knew she had to contact her and urge her to get out of the relationship while she can. She made it clear that Rihanna should dump Chris. "Whitney told her, 'Whenever you let your heart rule your head, you are bound to run into trouble.' " Despite Whitney's advice, 21-year-old Rihanna has reportedly forgiven Chris and the pair have been in constant contact via phone calls and text messages. The source added: "Even after what Chris did to her, Rih...


疑似被男友克里斯小子(圖右)毆傷的蕾哈娜照片,在美國八卦網站上被公開。 【聯合報╱記者蘇詠智、陶福媛/綜合報導】 2009.02.21 04:22 am 被男友克里斯小子痛毆成傷的蕾哈娜,至今未再於公眾眼前露面,但疑似她遭毆打後的照片,卻出現在報導名人八卦的TMZ網站,洛杉磯警方已決定對照片外流展開調查。 在TMZ網站上的照片中,蕾哈娜肩頭的刺青清晰可見,她的雙眼緊閉、臉上滿是瘀青,令人看了不忍。稍早洛杉磯警方曾表示此照片確屬某宗「調查中的暴力案件」的資料照,且對案情日後的刑責判處有決定性的影響,但照片中的女子是否就是蕾哈娜?警方還不願意承認。 對照蕾哈娜遭男友毆打的前一天,參加葛萊美獎頒獎典禮前的派對。當時她穿著古馳本季最新款的水藍色曳地禮服,手叉著腰對著鏡頭展現甜美自信的笑容。 按照慣例,警方為保護當事人,不常主動公開刑案相關照片,但專門挖掘名人緋聞的TMZ網站,卻搶先公布,令洛杉磯警方大為震動,開始調查責任歸屬。一如預期,蕾哈娜與克里斯小子都未派出公關發表意見,而「明星報」報導,蕾哈娜雖為克里斯小子傷透心,也知道不能再在一起,卻還是難忍對他的愛意,心情備受煎熬。 Source: 聯合新聞網 這照片,還蠻驚人的! Source: 在怎麼生氣,動手打人,就是不對! 尤其是會打女人的男人,真是他媽的 腦殘+孬種+手賤 ....

The "Star Spangled Banner" as Pop Hit - A Brief History

美國國歌在熱門單曲排行榜的簡介! Tuesday February 17, 2009 Source: This past week Jennifer Hudson's performance of the "Star Spangled Banner" at Super Bowl XLIII edged on to the pop singles chart at #98. As the US national anthem, the song is one of the most played and performed. However, it has only made a few appearances on the US pop singles chart. All of the performances that have reached the pop singles chart have been recordings from sports events. The first time the "Star Spangled Banner" reached the US pop singles chart was in 1968. Latin pop star Jose Feliciano, who had just made a huge splash on the charts with a top 10 smash version of the Doors' "Light My Fire," was invited to sing the national anthem at the 5th game of the baseball world series in Detroit, Michigan. He strummed his guitar and sang a bluesy interpretation of the song. There was an immediate backlash from those who interpreted the performance as disrespectful. Some believe it ...

關於『Who do you think sang the best rendition of the National Anthem at the Super Bowl?』投票調查.

前一陣子Davin我做了一個投票調查,題目是:『Who do you think sang the best rendition of the National Anthem at the Super Bowl?』 在120位投票的網友裡,投 Beyonce 唱的最好的有 6票 ,投 Jennifer Hudson 唱的最好的有 12票 ,投 Mariah Carey 唱的最好的有 6票 ,投 Whitney Houston 唱的最好的有 100票 。 其實這投票結果,還跟我的預期蠻符合的。 在我剛開始接觸所謂 愛惠 一族(惠妮歌迷)的Blog那個時期,我曾經逛過 Rose Rouge Cafe 這個Blog,Blog作者 阿權 ,也算是忠心愛惠歌迷。當初他曾經在Blog文章中提到,在他喪母的那段難熬的日子裡,他都是聽 Whitney Houston 唱的 『Star Spangled Banner@Super Bowl 1991』 這個版本以及惠媽經典名曲 『Exhale (Shoop Shoop)』 來提起勇氣度過喪母之痛。 阿權哥是個愛音樂的人,他寫的文章,常搞得到訪者又哭又笑,文筆見解自有他的獨到之處,也因為他的文章,很多人多認識了一些較少人認識的中外歌手。因為一些因素,他把過去所有發佈過的文章,全部刪掉了。 身為讀者的我,雖覺可惜,但沒啥立場去評斷什麼.... 生活中,狗屁倒灶的事情很多....(譬如今年1/11新上路的菸害防治法及可能在3/1要調漲的菸品健康捐、怪鄰居的夜半拉門聲、很爐的客戶...等等) 日子總是要過,當鬱悶、煩躁情緒一上來, 放空 是我目前處理這類情緒的方法之一,當然大聲聽音樂、看著莫文蔚傻笑,是一定要的啦~~~(我一看到小莫,就會不自主傻笑,然後整個心情大好...XD) 在文章最後,我貼上 Beyonce 、 Jennifer Hudson 、 Mariah Carey 、 Whitney Houston 這四位女伶各自的『Star Spangled Banner』版本,讓大家欣賞囉.... Beyonce Knowles - Star Spangled Banner (Super Bowl XXXVIII: Feb. 1, 2004) 魷魚絲小姐的演出,我也不知該如何評論... Jennifer Hudson - Star...

Review:Whitney驚艷亮相BET Honors Awards 2009

Whitney在January 17, 2009出席於Washington, DC舉行的BET Honors Awards 2009,擔任引言人頒獎給Tyler Perry,先前只有照片流出,隨著該典禮目前已經播出,相關影音已經可以看得到囉~~~ 至於BET Honors Awards 2009的重播時間,在 Whitney , Whitney's Official Myspace Page 都有公告! 惠妮迷們,影音檔來囉~~~ 眾家明星看到惠媽出席的樣子,只能用"傻眼"來形容。 惠妮出席BET Honors Awards 2009的相關文章,請參考: Whitney驚艷亮相BET Honors Awards 2009 She's Back: Whitney Houston Spotted at BET Honors ! 這影音檔得來不易,3.4天前我就看過了。昨天要再回顧一下時,原檔案卻被砍了....XD 今天在逛老外惠迷網站時又發現,所以PO出來跟大家分享囉~~ 關於頒獎給Tyler Perry的這段節目,Yolanda Adams和Joss Stone有合唱『Just A Prayer Away』向Tyler Perry致敬。 Yolanda Adams & Joss Stone Just A Prayer Away Performance Video Link: BET Honors Awards 2009 Yolanda Adams是最近我認識的R&B女歌手,Live演出實力堅強,當然Joss Stone也很棒~~

單身情歌之Rob Thomas - Lonely No More

Rob Thomas - Lonely No More 明天就是西洋情人節了,不管你的身邊是否有人相伴。 日子總是要過..... 一個人的生活,依舊可以過得精采~~~

Whitney Houston and her sometimes boy-toy Ray J.

Whitney Houston & Ray J. Connect At Grammy After-Parties Source: Socialite Life February 9, 2009 工作之餘,不忘玩樂的惠媽.... 在結束玩葛萊美的頒獎典禮活動後,馬上就又去把玩她的玩具了... 共享兩人世界之餘,不忘帶個電燈泡作陪... Ray J. 心中OS:真害,我姊Brandy幾天前才信誓旦旦跟媒體說,我跟惠妮姐不是戀人關係...XD 電燈泡和Whitney Houston & Ray J.裝熟瞎聊~~ Whitney的神祕小藥罐,希望裡面裝的是姑嫂丸之類的藥品... 看來Whitney需要配副老花眼鏡了...XD 這照片很像所有名人幹了壞事,被狗仔拍到的情景~~ 不知名電燈泡在車外偷聽兩人對話~~ 惠媽:小寶貝,今晚要不要姐姐幫你複習功課啊~~ 下車跑去把妹的Ray J. 留下體力不濟的惠媽在車上打瞌睡~~~

Whitney at the Grammy Awards 2009,Pictures Here!

惠媽出席2009葛來美獎,擔任『Best R&B Album』頒獎人! 張開雙手,是要再度擁抱歌迷嗎? 惠妮在揭曉得獎名單前,大大稱讚了一下她的恩師Clive Davis. Whitney Houston said,"I want to honor the man who was honored last night with the Recording Academy`s Industry Icon Award. (He`s) a man I consider to be my industry father, a visionary, (an) executive, a great man of music. Please, Mr. Clive Davis. Congrats, Clive, I love you so dearly." 美腿天后~~~Whitney Houston 今天沒穿爆乳裝,依舊美的讓人口水直流.... Best R&B Album Winner:Jennifer Hudson 先前家中遭逢巨變的Jennifer Hudson,從惠媽手中接到獎項,想必五味雜陳... Jennifer Hudson領獎的片段,我剛剛看完後,眼淚都要噴出來了....

Whitney演唱IWALY,IBIYAM,INRBIO,IEW(at Clive's Pre-Grammy Party 2009)

雖說惠媽的高音已經不行了,但在Clive's Pre-Grammy Party 2009上的演出,It's Not Right But It's Okay這首歌的演出雖無新意,但卻是近年來,我覺得她唱的最好的一次.... 惠妮迷們,影音檔來囉.... Clive老爹拉拉雜雜講了一堆,高潮還是在惠媽出場的那一刻.... I Will Always Love You 還是非唱不可的芭樂歌 緊接著 I Believe In You And Me 高潮來囉... It's Not Right But It's Okay I'm Every Woman 來囉... 高音明顯還是很吃力....XD 雖說是偷拍版本,但音質、畫質還算OK..... 老人我今天的任務完成,準備來去睡覺囉....

Whitney: Clean, Sober and Soaring

Sunday, February 08, 2009 By Roger Friedman Whitney Houston is back. Last night she took the stage at Clive Davis’ annual pre-Grammy bash and wowed the crowd with a medley of hits. She was clean, sober, and joyous, absolutely radiant and healthy. Houston knew it was a triumph and she gained confidence as she went from her opening ballad—a shortened version of “I Will Always Love You” through a few of her hits ending with a buoyant “I’m Every Woman.” If there was a fear that her voice was gone, she dispelled it. And while she may not be singing the way she did at 25, the 45 year old is still among the very premiere song stylists in the world. And that’s saying a lot at Davis’s famous pre-Grammy show. Last night the featured perfomers before Houston took the stage included a magnificent Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson, Leona Lewis, as well as Rod Stewart, Barry Manilow, Josh Groban (substituting for Usher), rockers Kings of Leon, and Sean Puffy Combs featuring Faith Evans in the evening’...

Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party 2009 ,Pictures Here!

根據E! Online的記者Marc Malkin在他的twitter上發表,惠妮真的有要在派對上演唱... Kick It Live With Whitney Houston & Clive Today 6:30 PM PST by Marc Malkin Hello from Clive Davis' annual pre-Grammy extravaganza. I'm twittering live with Whitney Houston (yes, she's performing!), Jennifer Hudson, Leona Lewis and so many more giants of the music world. If you want to catch the latest or join in the cyber chatter, head on over to for all the real-time details. Tweet ya there, folks. 惠媽演唱了 IWALY,IBIYAM,INRBIO,IEW....