
Showing posts from May, 2009

Natalie Cole RTY+IHN(1993 Oscars)

對於Natalie Cole的生平及認識,我事實上並沒有很了解或是認真去追。 雖說她也是西洋天后之一,但她的專輯,我完全沒買過,到目前為止也沒有購入的慾望。這一陣子Natalie Cole的消息還蠻多的,但都不是啥好消息,因腎病住院是其一,再來是其胞妹因病過世。 剛剛在YouTube看到了一個新影音檔,在1993年的奧斯卡頒獎典禮上, 終極保鑣 電影原聲帶製作人David Foster伴奏下,Natalie Cole演唱了惠媽經典名曲 Run To You & I Have Nothing . 在惠妮迷論壇裡,網友的評價是這樣的: Wow, that was bleak. I didn't even watch it the whole way through. She just doesn't have anything like Whitney. No emotion or anything. 在該影音檔下的評論則是: Nice but not Whitney. She is the greatest and not even a great singer like natalie cole can do it better than Whitney. 我還真不知要如何評論這影片耶..... 當初是因為惠媽跑去生小孩,才請Natalie Cole來唱的嗎?知道原由的歌迷,麻煩回覆一下我囉!

我高潮了!New Whitney Houston Pictures Leaked

Whitney Houston is reported to be in the final stages of recording her new CD and on Tuesday Whitney had her album photo shoot with famed photographer Patrick Demarchelier. 上週 謠傳惠妮進棚拍攝新專輯宣傳照 的消息,不知大家是否還有印象? 惠媽新專輯宣傳照曝光囉! 目前我收到的照片總共3張... 看來近期內聽到新單曲的機率大增喔! 2009/5/15更新 目前老外歌迷針對惠妮新專輯宣傳照的流出,都興奮不已! J / Arista Records官網 及 惠妮的官網 ,據傳最近會有更新訊息公佈。我逛了一下相關網站,目前在 Whitney's Official Myspace Page 部分,已經有更新關於宣傳照的這條消息! Thursday, May 14, 2009 Check Out Some Fantastic New Photos Of Whitney Houston! Category: Blogging Whitney Houston fans here are some wonderful new photos of the legendary diva! Please visit: Photos courtesy of 2009/5/17更新 Whitney Houston readies new album Whitney Houston is close to finishing her comeback album, reports say. The singer is reportedly adding the final touches to her much-anticipated seventh studio outing Undefeated, according to Hip Hop RX. Promotional photographs of a potential album ...


老人我的好萊塢最愛Julia Roberts,傳將接演新線影業的新片『 Valentine's Day 』,這新聞引起我注意的原因,除了是我家Julia有參予外,目前設定的卡司,實在是太美味了。 新線影業的新片『 Valentine's Day 』目前設定的卡司有: Julia Roberts , Anne Hathaway , Jessica Alba , Jessica Biel , Jennifer Garner , Bradley Cooper , Ashton Kutcher , Shirley MacLaine . 看到Julia Roberts,Anne Hathaway,Jessica Alba這3人的名字出現在演員名單上,老人我的口水已經開始流不停了.... Julia Roberts and All-Star Cast Celebrate 'Valentine's Day' Julia Roberts and Anne Hathaway are just two of the many stars involved in Garry Marshall 's new romantic comedy 'Valentine's Day.' New Line Cinema is also negotiating with Jennifer Garner , Ashton Kutcher , Bradley Cooper , Shirley MacLaine , Jessica Biel , and Jessica Alba , The Hollywood Reporter says. The comedy will tell five interconnecting stories during Valentine's Day in Los Angeles, the trade paper says. Source:ETonline Garry Marshall曾經執導及製作過的電影作品有:『性、愛情、漢堡飽』,『麻雀變鳳凰』,『落跑新娘』,『麻雀變公主』,『麻雀變公主2:皇家有約』,『一吻定江山』,『流行教母』,『四眼天雞』,『家有辣嬤』,『冒牌上帝』。 此片劇情據傳將...

Jennifer Lopez一連2首新歌在網路曝光

這年頭好像常有歌手在發新單曲前,在網路上 意外曝光 新歌,試試水溫的狀況發生。有一陣子沒有新作問世的翹臀珍,最新單曲『 What Is Love 』、『 One Love 』已經被上傳到YouTube了。 原先被砍的檔,我已找到新連結補上了... 自5/11被上傳到YouTube,目前點閱率只有21000多....... 看起來有點小慘的點閱率! Jennifer Lopez - What Is Love Lyrics Nana nana nananana nanana nananana nana (x2) People told me i should write a love song Girl you sound so angry You could use some variation But i’m lonely Negative relations I been hurt so many times I don’t have the patience But i wish, for so long For someone to come and show me, me by example, cus i’ve been waiting I’ve tried every age I’m so tired of the game I wanna be somebody’s girl Would you show me the way.. What if, I never find and i’m left behind Should i keep hopin for love What if, I’m still the same, Status doesn’t change Gotta keep hopin for love What is love?(x3) Somebody show me What is love?(x3) Cus if you told me What is love?(x3) I wouldn’t be lonely What is love? Please show me.. What is love? I’ve had blind dates Hooked up with some real flakes I’ve gone ...

A New Whitney Houston Album in 2009?

這篇報導大部分是依照這近半年來,惠媽的相關新聞來猜測,惠媽今年真的會發行新專輯嗎? The new Whitney Houston album in 2009, as yet untitled, and with no release date may well be one of the most anticipated albums in recent years. The long awaited album will be her seventh studio album. Known as The Voice, the Grammy Award winning pop icon, Whitney Houston, now 45, released her self-titled debut album 1985, which went on to become the best-selling debut album in history by a female artist. Throughout her career Whitney Houston has sold over 140 million albums and 50 million singles worldwide. She is on the Rolling Stone magazine list of The 100 Greatest Singers. She is also known for film roles in iconic movies of the 1990s, particularly ‘The Bodyguard’ (with Kevin Costner) and ‘The Preacher’s Wife’ (with Denzel Washington). Her last album was the 2002 Just Whitney which, though certified platinum like all of her previous albums was the lowest in sales and, as is well known, the singer’s turbulent personal life had made headlin...

惠妮翻唱經典『I Believe In You And Me』

惠媽在1996年The Preacher's Wife: Original Soundtrack Album中的柔情主打『I Believe In You And Me』,其實是首翻唱歌曲。 原曲最早是在1982年發行,收錄在Motown唱片旗下最暢銷的男子合唱團體『 The Four Tops頂尖合唱團 』於當年發行的『 One More Mountain 』專輯中。 來自底特律的『 The Four Tops頂尖合唱團 』,四位團員分別是擔任主唱的李維史塔布斯(Levi Stubbs)與艾布杜爾「公爵」法基爾(Abdul "Duke" Fakir)、羅倫斯佩頓(Lawrence Payton)與雷納多班森(Renaldo Benson)。 『 The Four Tops頂尖合唱團 』於1990年名列 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame搖滾名人堂 ,並被滾石雜誌列名為 100 Greatest Artists of All Time 。 創團迄今已經超過半個世紀的『 The Four Tops頂尖合唱團 』,不像其他團體組合常有更換團員的狀況發生,除了團員 羅倫斯佩頓(Lawrence Payton) 於1997年因肝癌去世(得年59歲),之後剩餘的三個團員並沒有另外找人頂替,決定繼續以三重唱的姿態表演,只是把團名更改為『 The Tops 』,令人遺憾的是,主唱 李維史塔布斯(Levi Stubbs) 於去年(2008年),因久病纏身,病逝於位於底特律的自宅中(得年72歲)。 The Four Tops頂尖合唱團 首支冠軍單曲 I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)-1965 主唱 李維史塔布斯(Levi Stubbs) 自2000年後,因病停止所有公開演出,生前最後一次公開露面,是在2004年出席 The Four Tops頂尖合唱團50周年紀念演唱會 。 在紀念演唱會中,由 Aretha Franklin 引言介紹『 The Tops 』出場,並一起合唱了『I Believe In You And Me』, The Four Tops頂尖合唱團50周年紀念演唱會 在美國有發行DVD。 相當感人的演唱片段,老人我每看一次,就哭一次.... ...


首先我要先聲明,這是一個未經官方證實的消息喔! ALBUM COVER SHOOT SCHEDULED FOR NEXT WEEK A source has given us some amazing news. Whitney Houston will be gracing us with a new album! FINALLY! An insider close to the project exclusively tells that Whitney is in the final recording stages of the album (she’s currently in the studio with Harvey Mason, Jr.) and the album cover shoot is scheduled for next week with legendary photographer Patrick Demarchelier. Excellent. You have been gone far too long, Ms. Houston! Source: PEREZHILTON 謠傳惠妮將在下週進棚拍攝新專輯宣傳照,掌鏡者為Patrick Demarchelier. Patrick Demarchelier Harvey Mason jr. Patrick Demarchelier過去幫惠妮拍攝過的作品如下: Harper's Bazaar (January 1996) Patrick Demarchelier個人官網


Manager who discovered Whitney Houston dies BERLIN (AFP) — Austrian music manager Monti Lueftner, credited with discovering Whitney Houston, has died in traffic accident in Munich at the age of 77, police said Friday. Lueftner worked in the music industry since the 1950s, most prominently helping develop the BMG group under German media giant Bertelsmann where he worked with Bob Marley, Tina Turner, Cat Stevens, Mireille Mathieu and Boney M. His most lucrative discovery, however, was Houston, whom he heard sing in 1985 in New York and helped make into a global music phenomenon. Houston told German celebrity magazine Bunte's website that she was shocked by Lueftner's sudden death on Thursday. "When I met him, Monti Lueftner was already a legend in the music business. I will never forget the goodness and generosity that he showed me at the beginning of my career," Houston was quoted as saying. "I will miss him terribly." A lifelong bachelor, Lueftner had a 15...


下班時去了一趟家樂福買民生必需品的我,照慣例買完該買的東西後,又逛到了影音專區,看到了由金牌大風唱片所發行的 『蔡琴 / THE ESSENTIAL COLLECTION 精選蔡琴』 。 仔細端詳了一下曲目,竟然有收錄我很愛的『點亮霓虹燈』這首單曲。 猶記這單曲當初發行時,蔡琴正好面臨婚變,整首歌的詞,則替當時沒出面打歌的她,訴說心中種種的感觸。( 註:蔡琴的前夫,是已故導演楊德昌 ) 當時蔡琴經由媒體報導披露,訴說著結婚多年,一直與前夫是處於 無性婚姻、相近如冰 的狀況,再加上男方好像外遇吧?!導致在外界看來是才子佳人的組合,到頭來,依舊無法相伴相惜到老。 蔡琴在公開演唱的場合,幾乎打死不唱這首歌,直到楊導過世後,蔡琴在香港演唱會上,首次Live演唱『點亮霓虹燈』..... 蔡琴 - 點亮霓虹燈 作詞:林秋離 作曲:黃國倫 總是面對過那些令人很難堪的事 才明白人間的聚散 是不能全放在心上 你說的愛不難 不代表可以簡單 說忘就忘 總是面對過任何時間都偽裝的人 那謊言如此的明顯 卻滿足了情的弱點 教人心甘情願 將自己陷在裡面 不顧危險 點亮霓虹燈 粉刷著黑夜不會那麼深 縱然心已冷 也把愛當作真 點亮霓虹燈 疲倦的眼神不會那樣沉 我的夢依然在紅塵中翻滾 在紅塵中翻滾 香港演唱會的編導,在未告知蔡琴的狀況下,將她的結婚照投影在紗帘上,蔡琴的身影隱隱約約的挺直的站在舞臺上,唱到中間間奏時,蔡琴的聲音已經哽咽顫抖..... 其實我常會想,失去一段感情之後,自己該用什麼樣的態度去面對自己。 年少輕狂時,我可以一直沉溺在失戀的痛苦中,不斷以接近自殘的方式讓自己走不出那氛圍,每天去數著已經分手多久、回想和戀人在一起時的甜美回憶...... 等到自己回神過來時,在旁人眼裡早已不像個人的我,才開始重新振作。 隨著年紀漸長,好好活著---已非單只是為了自己而已。 失去的,永遠也喚不回。 就像蔡琴在唱完歌後所說的:『 這就是人生啊! 』 每當經歷過一些事情之後,如果往往只想著失去的部份,那又要怎麼去獲得更多的美好咧... 給所有經歷感情問題的朋友們,加油啊! 毒舌又沒耐性的我,真的沒有辦法一而再,再而三的說些您想聽的話,要走出傷痛,除了時間是良方以外,還要靠您自個走出來才行~~ 點我購買『蔡琴 / THE ESSENTIAL COLLECTION 精選蔡琴』 PS.老人所說的自殘,是形容詞...

The music of summer

西洋樂壇今夏發行預告整理,依舊沒有惠媽的發行消息! New albums could save season; From Willie Nelson to Jonas Brothers, here are 10 releases. New albums from big-name acts are looming on the horizon, which can only mean one thing: Summer is upon us. The upcoming months are second only to the Christmas season in terms of their sales impact, and that means new albums are on deck from what are traditionally the biggest sellers in pop music. New recordings by Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young and U2 haven't met expectations thus far. Can anyone resuscitate a year defined by its underwhelming chart performance? A few have a legitimate shot, no doubt. Throw in rumoured comebacks from Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston later in the year , and you've got a rolling, tumbling batch of recorded music lying in wait -- not to mention one heck of an iPod beach party playlist waiting to be made. 1. Eminem, Relapse. Due: April 19. Slim Shady set the stage for his sixth album by releasing a trio of tracks in advance, inc...

Whitney Houston Is Swizz Beatz' ‘Mill Dollar' Baby

Swizz Beatz is playing millionaire matchmaker with Whitney Houston. We previously reported that the producer had crafted a “smash” for the legendary diva’s new album. Now Swizzy is revealing the name of the track to The hitmaker has been in the lab with Houston working on her first studio album in six years. He tells that the song is an uptempo banger called “Mill Dollar Bill.” “I got a big comeback record for her,” Swizz wrote on his Twitter page last month. “She’s comin’ back crazy!” In addition to Swizz Beatz, Houston has collaborated with songwriter Diane Warren,, Ne-Yo, and John Legend for the as-yet-untitled project. Source: 音樂製作人Swizz Beatz上個月在他個人的Twitter裡透露與惠媽合作錄製新曲的消息,此首單曲的歌名為『Mill Dollar Bill』。 順帶一提, 目前傳說2009.5.8發行首波單曲的消息,是由某各自稱參與惠媽新唱片的工作人員,在他的Twitter所發布的消息,未經任何官方證實,純屬歌迷之間的謠言流傳。