Whitney Houston Hightails It Out of Heathrow


Hightailing it out of town, Whitney Houston was spotted catching an outbound flight at Heathrow Airport in London, England on Friday (April 30).

Looking a bit dazed, the "I Want to Dance with Somebody" singer strolled through the terminal after finishing off the London dates on her troubled concert tour.

As for the plan from here, Whitney happens to be headed to the Canary Islands for a Recinto Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz de Tenerife gig tonight (April 30) before taking her act to Glasgow, Milan and Rome over the next week.

Hopefully things get better from this point, as Miss Houston has been receiving quite harsh criticism for her world tour performance skills thus far.

Enjoy the pictures of Whitney Houston at Heathrow Airport (April 30).
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Tenerife concert cancelled

According to the promoters page the concert in Tenerife has been cancelled due to logistical problems. Whitneys management wanted to postpone the concert, but the promoter refused. (source: eldia.es)

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