Terry McMillan on 'Waiting to Exhale' Sequel and Whitney Houston

"Waiting to Exhale"作者Terry McMillan接受ESSENCE.com訪問,談及新作"Getting Happy"改編搬上大螢幕的製作進度,以及對惠妮接受勒戒的看法!

Terry McMillan is getting ready to re-introduce movie audiences to beloved characters Savannah, Gloria, Bernadine and Robin in the sequel to “Waiting to Exhale.”

The author, who spoke with ESSENCE.com during the ESSENCE Music Festival, says she’s working on the third draft of a script she hopes will be complete by the end of July. “This won’t be on the screen until sometime in 2012 though,” she warns.

McMillan broke the story on Twitter a few months ago, tweeting, “We are working on the script for 'HAPPY.' Will know in about a month or so when we'll begin production.”

Asked whether she thinks Whitney Houston, who is currently in rehab, will return as Savannah, McMillan says she is “hopeful.”

“We’ll know soon enough," she said. "I’ve been told that’s she wants to do it, and I think the studio wants her to do it. We all want her to do it… I just hope she’s healthy.”

We do too, Terry. Can you imagine the girls back on screen together? Bliss!


根據這篇報導,大家都希望惠媽健健康康的返回'Waiting to Exhale'續集的拍攝崗位。希望惠媽這次的勒戒會很成功,也是她的最後的一次勒戒....


  1. 總之希望惠媽早日出勒戒所,然後以健康之姿回歸到大家面前

  2. Re.Con:


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