
Showing posts from September, 2009

惠妮翻唱經典『A Song For You』

『 A Song For You 』這首歌,惠妮演唱的版本,我第一次聽到,是在1991年的 Welcome Home Heroes 演唱會。 當年的惠妮,胸部還沒變大,也還沒嫁錯人。前後陸續推出了三張個人錄音室大碟,張張都大賣!在事業順遂的情況下,惠妮將事業版圖擴展到電影,開始籌備個人的首部電影作品『 The Bodyguard 終極保鑣 』。

惠妮將展開歐洲宣傳行程及登上Jet Magazine封面

惠妮官網證實,惠妮將在10/6於法國宣傳新碟 ILTY 。 Whitney Houston au Grand Journal Whitney Houston sera de retour en France pour une participation exceptionnelle au Grand Journal de Canal+ le 6 octobre prochain. Plus d'infos sur cette venue prochainement. Source: The Official Whitney Houston Site


1994年對惠妮來說,是個豐收的一年。1992年惠妮參與演出的首部電影作品『The Bodyguard終極保鑣』及其電影原聲帶的大賣,讓惠妮在接下來的2年裡,橫掃各項音樂獎項。

Danja Handz談和惠媽合作的經驗

As Whitney Houston's comeback album "I Look To You" debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200, Billboard caught up with producer Danja to talk about his work on two of the album's songs: "For The Lovers" and "Nothin' But Love."

20090924 Billboard排行成績

I Look To You專輯銷售數字及Billboard各榜排行成績 Billboard 200 專輯榜 #2 (進榜第三週,本週銷售量156,000張,上週名次 #3) R&B/Hip-Hop Albums 節奏藍調/嘻哈專輯榜 #2 (進榜第三週,上週名次 #3) Digital Albums 數位專輯榜 #4 (進榜第三週,上週名次 #8) Canadian Albums 加拿大 #3 (進榜第三週,上週名次 #5) 註:ILTY專輯目前累計3週的總銷售量為548,000張。


Two Days on Oprah? Whitney Sells 165,000 CDs How many CDs can you sell after two days on the "Oprah" show? The answer: 165,000 copies.


Whitney's THIRD Week Album sales 惠媽新碟 ILTY 的第三週銷量統計數字出爐(已開出70.38%)!


話說 愛惠 現正流行,但有多流行,可能沒人有正確答案。但大家如果有空去逛一下 Amazm.com的R&B音樂類專輯銷售排行 ,應該就可以知道 買惠妮專輯,是一件正在流行的事!


惠妮在台灣G-Music / 五大 / 佳佳 / 光南 / 法雅客 等西洋榜,全數拿下冠軍!

【影音】Million Dollar Bill音樂錄影帶全球大首播

失眠的好處,是挖到寶! Million Dollar Bill 的完整MV來囉!

The Wait Is Over!終於等到惠妮休斯頓

台版的惠媽新碟,在9/11發行。而我在9/7博客來會員日當天下訂的CD,終於在昨天到貨! 博客來這次的出貨速度,實在是慢的可以.... 熟悉的包裝,這次包的是我家惠妮新專輯,真素感人!

【影音】Alicia's new single "Doesn't Mean Anything!"

惠媽的小師妹 Alicia Keys ,即將在今年的聖誕檔期推出個人第四張錄音室大碟。 Alicia Keys 近期除了努力閉關寫歌及錄音外,前一陣子還在自己的Twitter上大力推薦惠媽的新專輯,真是人美心也美!

【影音】Million Dollar Bill音樂錄影帶拍攝花絮搶先看

  People.com公佈了惠媽 Million Dollar Bill 新MV片段及現場拍攝花絮!

歐普拉秀專訪惠妮Day2 (2009/09/15)

   Whitney Houston's Come-Through Moment 惠妮的告白Part 2,已經在第24季的Oprah秀播出! 人生總是在經歷過挫折後,才會享受到苦盡甘來的甜美果實。我們家女神自述,她並不後悔自己有過那麼一段荒唐的歲月,反而慶幸自己經歷過這一些是是非非。

Million Dollar Bill音樂錄影帶拍攝現場照片曝光

即將在9/16首播的新音樂錄影帶 Million Dollar Bill ,又有新的片場照片曝光囉! 希望新的MV,不要又是簡單樸素到一個不行的場景才好...

歐普拉秀專訪惠妮Day1 (2009/09/14)

Whitney Houston Tells All 惠妮的告白Part 1,已經在第24季的Oprah秀播出! 愛上一個不該愛的人會有多慘,大概只有惠妮能體會箇中滋味。當全世界都不看好、都不給予祝福的一段婚姻,在走了14年後,惠妮親口告訴閱聽大眾,她曾經經歷過什麼樣的不堪過往....


Whitney's Second Week Album sales 惠媽新碟的第二週銷量統計數字已經出爐! 在已經開出的68.46%銷售統計裡,惠媽新碟目前第二週的銷售排名為第三名,銷售數量為57,079張。

【影音】瘋婆Debra Wilson回來了!

曾經在 MADTV 惡搞演出惠媽及眾多一線女歌手的 Debra Wilson ,前幾天跟 TMZ 的狗仔隊在街頭演了4分多鐘的惠妮逛大街片段,搞笑功力依舊不減當年... 'Whitney Houston': Bobby's a Gutter Rat!


美國的朋友們週末該做啥消遣? 答案是:鎖定電視頻道,看惠妮休斯頓電視特輯囉~

【影音】I Look To You音樂錄影帶全球大首播

早起的惠妮迷都有好康,惠媽暖身單曲 I Look To You 音樂錄影帶大首播! 網友上載版: 點我線上觀看惠妮新MV

20090910 Billboard排行成績

2009/09/10 Billboard專輯榜成績 Billboard 200大專輯榜 #1 R&B/Hip-Hop Albums 節奏藍調/嘻哈專輯榜 #1 Digital Albums 數位專輯榜 #1 European Albums 歐洲 #1 Germany Albums 德國 #1 France Albums 法國 #3 @法國的朋友請加油~ Canadian Albums 加拿大 #1


10 Must-Hear Back To School Albums 開學前聽惠妮新碟,有助於大家新學期課業都All Pass喔!新流感也不怕上身,所以明天大家要趕快去唱片行買惠妮新專輯咧! As the last of the summer festivals move the masses one more time before the weather turns and the bright, inescapable hits of the summer become nostalgia for the season passed, it's time to put on a sweater and head back to campus armed with Billboard's chronological crib sheet of the ten hottest albums of the coming semester. Think that another record out this September or October will be hotter and should have been on this list? Comment away!

【影音】I LOOK TO YOU音樂錄影帶10秒搶先看

Clive老爹接受ETonline的專訪中 ,有播了片段惠媽最新的音樂錄影帶 I LOOK TO YOU ,從模糊的影像看來,很有舊作 Try It On My Own 的FUL...

Jennifer Hudson Joins the "VH1 Divas"

圖為哈珍9/8出席在芝加哥舉行的歐普拉慶祝第24季節目開播派對 剛在前一陣子產下一子的哈珍,確定加入"VH1 Divas"的演出陣容! OSCAR® & GRAMMY® WINNER JENNIFER HUDSON JOINS THE “VH1 DIVAS” LINEUP Sheryl Crow, Martina McBride, Cyndi Lauper and Melissa Etheridge to be Special Musical Guests Kathy Griffin, Toni Braxton, Ryan Kwanten, Lauren Conrad, Whitney Port and the Cast of The Upcoming Film “Fame” will be Presenters NEW YORK, NY – September 8, 2009 – Jennifer Hudson’s breakout roll as “Effie” in the Academy Award® winning hit “Dreamgirls” garnered her every major acting award, but it was her powerful vocal abilities that first won her acclaim. On her self-titled debut album, Jennifer received four Grammy® nominations and won for “Best R&B Album.” VH1 viewers will now get a chance to hear Jennifer sing live at the “VH1 Divas” concert which will be televised live on VH1 on Thursday, September 17 at 9:00pm. Special musical guests for the show include Sheryl Crow, Melissa Etheridge, Cyndi Lauper and Martina McBride. Kathy Griff...

Whitney Houston Debuts At No. 1 On Billboard 200

Billboard報導:惠妮以首週銷量305,000張,空降專輯榜冠軍! Like a true diva, Whitney Houston returns to the Billboard 200 in grand style. "I Look To You" becomes Houston's fourth No. 1 album on the chart, debuting with 305,000 copies according to Nielsen SoundScan. It's by far Houston's best opening sales week since Nielsen SoundScan began tracking data in 1991. Her previous best opening week since that year came when 2002's "Just Whitney" bowed at No. 9 in the thick of the Christmas holiday shopping season with 205,000. "I Look To You" is also the singer's first chart-topper since the Houston-fueled "The Bodyguard" soundtrack spent 20 weeks at No. 1 in 1993. "Look" and "Bodyguard" are joined by Houston's two previous toppers: her self-titled set in 1986, and her 1987 sophomore set, "Whitney." The latter was also the first album from a woman to debut at No. 1, which it did did on the Billboard 200 chart dated June ...


官網的新聞稿: Clive Talks About Whitney's #1 on ET Tonight! Tune in tonight to catch Clive Davis discussing Whitney Houston and her #1 album on Entertainment Tonight, 7:30pm on CBS! And if you just can't wait til then, click here for a sneak peak of Clive's interview! Source: Whitney Houston's official site Clive Davis on Whitney Houston - ET (9/9/2009) ET Tonight的報導: Clive Davis on Whitney's Triumphant Comeback Whitney Houston has done it again, with her long-awaited album I Look to You debuting at No. 1. Legendary record producer Clive Davis weighs in on the achievement - but is it really a comeback? "I think this album has got it; I think that Whitney Houston has still got it, big time," Clive tells ET. "She's been away from the recording scene for over seven years, so for Whitney to have a No. 1 album is thrilling." The Grammy winner has sold millions of records, but Clive says, "It's surprising in view of the fact that she's had s...

【影音】芭樂情歌教母Diane Warren談Whitney

圖為2009/07/23洛城試聽會 DF,WH,DW,CD 4人合照 芭樂情歌教母 Diane Warren 談惠媽及當初為惠媽量身打造" IDKMOS "的過程。 若無法觀看影音,請點右方連結觀看: Diane Warren on Whitney 內容大概跟先前的報導差不多,不外乎是 Diane Warren 想幫惠妮新專輯寫歌,把惠妮經歷的這些,都在歌曲裡道盡。 Diane Warren 說惠媽很喜歡" IDKMOS "這首單曲,甚至當初這單曲連 Clive老爹 都還沒聽過,惠媽就決定要唱且收錄在專輯裡。 而單曲製作人 David Foster 也是惠媽親自提出邀約,要其幫她製作" IDKMOS "這單曲。

惠媽首週銷量破30萬張 登上Billboard專輯榜冠軍

Whitney Houston in at No. 1 with 300K-Plus Whitney Houston makes a triumphant return to the album charts this week at No. 1 in her debut week. Her album, "I Look to You," sold more than 300,000 copies. The final count won't be in until Wednesday, but hitsdailydouble reports 266,000 copies sold with only 54% of their sales accounts reporting in from last week. And just think: Next Monday and Tuesday, Whitney holds court on "Oprah" for two hours total. She's on her way to 1 million in sales in less than a month. That's quite an achievement for a singer who hasn't had a new release in seven years, was considered "washed up" by gossip naysayers. Houston can be proud of herself for what she's done to recover from her personal problems. And then, of course, there's Clive Davis, Larry Jackson, Richard Palmese and co. at Arista Records, Whitney's trusted aide de camp Lynn Volkmann, sister-in-law Pat Houston and mom Cissy. It takes a vil...

惠媽的Ebony Magazine專訪內容出爐

在9月初,惠媽登上了Ebony Magazine封面 。這本10月號的雜誌,已經在9/8全美發售,台灣部分的發售時間,要等代理的2家出版社進口。 雜誌掃描版出爐,觀看雜誌專訪全文請點圖放大觀看(總共六頁)! Ebony Magazine小百科 Ebony Magazine主要設定的閱讀族群是非裔美國人,由John H. Johnson在1945年秋天所創立,旗下還有Jet周刊發行於全美。 報導內容主要關注世界對非裔美國人的衝擊,以及非裔美國人對世界的重大影響。雜誌報導內容涉略黑人文化、藝術、音樂及政治等領域。


Oprah: Houston interview is best she's ever done Talk show host Oprah Winfrey calls her upcoming sit-down with singer Whitney Houston "the best interview I've ever done." Winfrey said Monday in comments provided to The Associated Press by Harpo Productions that she "can't think of a moment, ever, when I had a stronger connection to the person I was interviewing." According to Harpo Productions, Houston's daughter and producer Clive Davis attended the interview. Houston also is to perform her new song "I Didn't Know My Own Strength." The 46-year-old superstar hasn't done a major TV interview since 2002, when she addressed questions about her drug use from ABC's Diane Sawyer. Winfrey kicks off the 24th season of Chicago-based "The Oprah Winfrey Show" with the two-part interview with Houston on Sept. 14 and 15. Oprah官網的惠妮專頁: Source: Chicago Tribune 歐普拉阿姨真的很給惠媽面子! 在即將開播的第24季節目中,首播的第1天、第2天將播出惠媽專...

Pre-order Whitney (Taiwan)

愛惠一族,台壓版惠妮新碟,即將在2009/09/11隆重豋場~ 首批還有隨貨附贈超大碗混音CD,數量有限,要買要快! 購買台版惠妮全新專輯I LOOK TO YOU,大家一起來! 繼上次我發起的 美版預購活動 後,這次我也針對台版發售做了串連貼紙,希望大家也要支持一下台版的惠妮新碟! 所有貼紙尺寸皆為250x250,支援 HTML/JavaScript 語法的Blog,都可以掛上以下貼紙(包含無名的Blog)。 五大唱片版 貼紙使用語法: <a href="" title="到五大唱片買Whitney新碟" target='_new'><img border="0" alt="到5music買Whitney新碟" width="250" src="" height="250"/></a> Ps.五大唱片該碟售價為378元。 博客來版 貼紙使用語法: <a href="" title="到博客來買Whitney新碟" target='_new'><img border="0" alt="到Books.com買Whitney新碟" width="250" src="" height="250"/><...

大家都愛Mariah Carey

我沒有變節改愛咪咪,只是一大早看到這段影音,我笑到差點沒在地上打滾... 惠妮的師妹 Leona Lewis 一戰成名的英國選秀節目 The X Factor ,目前進行到第六季的賽程。在選秀節目如雨後春筍般的相繼開播, The X Factor 的收視率多少受到了影響, The X Factor 的製作單位,最近絞盡腦汁要拯救頹靡不振的收視率,據傳已經敲定 Robbie Williams 及惠媽今年在其節目擔任特別嘉賓,時間點應該會是在11月左右(羅比跟惠媽的新碟,都是11月才會在英國發行)。 下圖這個粉絲,名叫 Fouad Djaoublia ,現年25歲,是咪咪姐的超級大粉絲! 在資格賽中,他選了咪咪姐的經典名曲 Vision Of Love 來演唱,他才一開口,我就笑到流眼淚,更不用說節目裡的評審群,大家都一付不可置信的樣子(應該沒人會想到有那麼糟的歌喉,跟當年那個唱瑞奇馬丁的孔XX有的比....XD)。 Fouad Djaoublia 唱完 Vision Of Love ,評審客套的問:你還可以唱哪一首歌? 這小子竟然問觀眾說,我唱咪咪姐的勵志單曲 Hero 如何... 他一唱,所有人都更傻眼了,評審 Simon Cowell 更是顯現出一付超不屑的表情,總之整段都超搞笑,笑到我肚子都痛了...XD Fouad Djaoublia 唱 Hero 時,全場觀眾跟著大合唱,真素感人又好笑~ Ps.希望咪咪姐的粉絲不要生氣,也預祝咪咪姐發片順利,婚姻幸福美滿喔!

Davin的自製Wallpapers 1680x1050 Album

由於我是使用20吋寬螢幕的關係,所以大部分我的自製桌布尺寸,會以我可以用得到的尺寸為基準。 原先自製桌布舊文章: Davin的自製Whitney桌布分享 ,因為新增的桌布太多,搞的整篇文章"落落長"。繼上次 1280x1024 Album 的文章後,我另外開了這個新主題。 為了大家閱讀方便,今後會以桌布尺寸大小分類發文,同一尺寸桌布會發在同一篇文章中,以利大家查閱及下載, 原首篇分享桌布文章 的部份,不再更新喔! Wallpapers 1680x1050 這一張是剛剛完成的,我很愛惠妮展現她"陽光"的一面! 下載網址: 1680x1050_ASongForYou 下載網址: 1680x1050_018 下載網址: 1680x1050_019 其他15張同尺寸桌布資料,煩請翻舊文章查看及下載: Davin的自製Whitney桌布分享 PS.這些桌布純為製作來和大家分享,所以請尊重我的著作權,感恩!

【影音】Whitney on CNN(2009/09/04)

惠媽這週新聞的曝光量超多,昨天9/4的新聞中,CNN也針對了惠妮的專輯推出,做了一則2分多鐘的新聞。 本文的影音,必須用IE瀏覽器瀏覽,不然會顯示錯誤訊息!至於為何有這此限制,那要問CNN才知道,為何使用Firefox沒法瀏覽..XD 新聞的內容,報導了惠媽發片前的3場試聽會,及惠媽歌唱演藝生涯上的成就,當然免不了要提一下那個好吃懶做毒蟲前夫,新聞中大部分穿插紐約試聽會時,CNN對惠妮進行的採訪片段。報導中有提及新專輯的製作過程及專輯同名單曲,並介紹了 I Didn't Know My Own Strength 這首單曲及惠媽對這單曲的想法。 整段新聞還蠻正面的,大家一起看看囉! Whitney Houston's big comeback Whitney Houston takes the long road to a comeback, with her first studio album in seven years. CNN's Denise Quan has more. Embedded video from CNN Video 新聞片段中穿插了部分新專輯中的單曲: Million Dollar Bill 、 I Look To You 、 Call You Tonight 、 I Didn't Know My Own Strength 、 Salute 都有剪了片段當背景襯樂,惠媽經典名曲: I Will Always Love You 也有列入新聞中當襯樂。 如果還是有無法看到這新聞片段的狀況,那請點下面那個連結,觀看此新聞影音。 CNN的惠妮新聞報導請點我觀看!


可能大部分網友都已經知道惠媽有在歐普拉秀上演唱的新聞,這消息我白天有稍微瞄到,但沒時間寫....XD 有使用 Twitter 的朋友,不彷Follow一下 Oprah 阿姨喔! 追蹤 Oprah 阿姨 Twitter ,請點右方連結: Oprah's Twitter Whitney's Performance on Oprah Leaves Oprah Amazed! Check out Oprah's latest tweet from Whitney's taping! "In search of ceiling repairmen. Cause Whitney just BLEW THE ROOF off of Harpo. Grown men & women weeping in the aisles." Don't miss the most anticipated music interview of the century when Oprah interviews Whitney on September 14th and 15th! Source: Whitney Houston's official site 歐普拉在自己的Twitter上說:她需要房屋修繕工人,因為惠妮在錄影現場的演唱,唱的太好了!現場觀眾的熱情+惠妮的神人級表現,把攝影棚的屋頂都掀掉了.... 原先惠媽在8/31錄歐普拉秀的部份,並沒有開放現場觀眾參予。星期四(美國時間)的錄影,則是有現場觀眾的錄影部份,惠媽在錄影現場演唱了 I Didn't Know My Own Strength 、 I Love The Lord 這2首歌曲。 惠媽的歐普拉秀專訪,將在9/14、9/15播出,請大家記得鎖定。 補上最新版預告


感謝Yahoo奇摩 Just-Whitney Houston 的版主a-farn提供載點,惠媽GMA演唱會電視版HQ載點出爐了! 檔案格式為MPG,總共有四個檔。 Part 1: Whitney Houston GMA.mpg.001 Part 2: Whitney Houston GMA.mpg.002 Part 3: Whitney Houston GMA.mpg.003 Part 4: Whitney Houston GMA.mpg.004 Ps.請下載在同一個檔案夾,再用HJSplit合併四個檔。 HJSplit 2.2 中文化版請點右方連結下載,該軟體為免費軟體: 軟體王-資訊網站 HJSplit 2.2 中文化版 下載網頁 如需下載圖說,請在告知,我在補上~


謠傳:惠媽單曲ILTY的MV-9/10推出,單曲MDB的MV-9/16推出。 Exclusive: Whitney's Music Video Premiere Dates That Grape Juice can EXCLUSIVELY reveal that Whitney Houston will be premiering not one, but TWO new videos in the coming weeks. The video for 'I Look To You' is set to debut September 12th 10th. While the clip for 'Million Dollar Bill' will be unveiled on September 16th. In other Whitney news, we have received confirmed word that she will be performing 'I Didn't Know My Own Strength' on The Oprah Winfrey Show - at the personal request of Oprah herself. Also, a televised special is being considered by Whitney's team for later this year. Source: That Grape 這篇謠傳,也確認了惠媽將在歐普拉秀上高歌'I Didn't Know My Own Strength'。

【發行預告】Whitney Houston惠妮休斯頓/I Look To You我期待

等待即將結束,惠妮休斯頓全新專輯《我期待》 2009/09/11台灣隆重發行! 全球獨家、台灣首批出貨隨貨附贈【惠妮限量終極混音megamix】版CD。 專輯介紹: 1億7000萬人唯一期待 ◎金氏世界紀錄得獎第一、史上唯一連續七首冠軍單曲、第一位連續七張專輯超白金認證、史上最暢銷電影原聲帶…終極紀錄無可取代! 傳奇唱片教父夢幻打造11首全主打經典 ◎12座葛萊美鋼琴天后艾莉西亞凱斯破天荒合作首支強打新曲〈Million Dollar Bill〉、R&B教父勞凱利精心釀製感人同名曲〈I Look To You〉 ◎嘻哈天王阿肯驚奇合唱、大衛佛斯特、黛安華倫、「夢幻女郎」王牌製作+碧昂絲、賈斯汀、瑪麗亞凱莉等超夯冠軍團隊再造全新惠妮! 2009年全球最期待的世紀回歸 ◎歐普拉世紀首訪,亞馬遜/iTunes全面奪冠,滾石雜誌、娛樂週刊、告示牌雜誌、洛杉磯時報佳評破表…天后回歸完全制霸! 曲目: 1. Million Dollar Bill 百萬寶貝 2. Nothin' But Love 唯有愛 3. Call You Tonight 熱線傳情 4. I Look To You 我期待 5. Like I Never Left featuring Akon 我心仍在(與阿肯合唱) 6. A Song For You 獻給你的歌 7. I Didn't Know My Own Strength 心的力量 8. Worth It 值得愛 9. For The Lovers 給戀人們 10. I Got You 有你相依 11. Salute 祝你幸福 內附中英文歌詞 專輯贈品介紹: ◎品名:惠妮限量終極混音megamix ◎贈送:9/11購買惠妮新專輯即可獲得 ◎樣式:CD ◎包裝:特製雙封面包裝如上圖 (18.5*18.5 CM) ◎長度:五首共36分鐘 ◎份數: 限量2000份,隨貨贈送,送完為止! 曲目: 1.Megamix / Jody Den Broeder Radio edit (4:04) 2.Megamix / Jody Den Broeder Mixshow (6:09) 3.Megamix / Jody Den Broeder Club (8:39) 4.Megamix / Jody Den Broeder Extended Cl...