
Showing posts from February, 2010

2010/02/27 - Hope Estate, Australia

Whitney Houston的NBL世界巡演,澳洲第三站演出來到希望村。此場演出是在戶外場地,目前相關曲目的影音跟照片,實在是少的可憐.... 所幸歌迷的反應普遍都是感動滿分,但聲音上的表現,我是覺得還有進步的空間啦!

Full Music Winners List of 41st NAACP Image Awards

剛在星期五晚上舉行的 41st NAACP Image Awards ,惠媽因身在澳洲進行巡演,不克出席參加。當初提名 Outstanding Female Artist 部分,由 Mary J. Blige 獲獎,另一項 Outstanding Music Video 的提名,惠媽打敗 Maxwell , Alicia Keys , The Black Eyed Peas , Jamie Foxx 等人,為自己NAACP Image Awards的得獎紀錄,再添一座新獎座,目前惠妮在歷屆NAACP Image Awards的得獎總數,累計為15座。 Mary J. Blige collects two awards for Outstanding Female Artist and Album, while Keri Hilson is handed her first NAACP trophy for Outstanding New Artist. One of the musicians coming home victorious the 2010 NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) Image Awards was Mary J. Blige. The singer walked home with two coveted prizes, leading winners list in the music field.

20100225 Billboard各榜排行成績及TourBook照片分享

以下為本週Billboard各榜成績: Worth It 單曲成績 ◎R&B/Hip-Hop 單曲榜 #61 (進榜第2周,上週名次#77) Million Dollar Bill 單曲成績 ◎R&B/Hip-Hop 單曲榜 #37 (上週名次 #36,進榜第29周)

2010/02/24 - Sydney, Australia

我家女神Whitney Houston的NBL世界巡演,澳洲第二站演出來到雪梨。服裝造型大換新的惠媽,似乎胖了不少,這幾天眉毛的妝,看起都好怪說.... 澳洲當地傳媒評論連結: 電視新聞專題 Herald Sun Sydney Morning Herald CNM News Network Lismore Northern Star

【RUMOR】New International single is......

根據國外電台 Radio1 官網公佈,惠媽的第二波國際版單曲 Nothin' But Love ,將在2010/04/05於英國發行,但此消息目前尚未被官方證實。 發行資料來源看這裡: (Radio1)U.K. - Forthcoming Singles

2010/02/22 - Brisbane, Australia

咱家天后Whitney Houston的NBL世界巡演,澳洲首場來到Brisbane。除了服裝上稍有變化外,在聲音表現上,當地傳媒毀譽參半。我個人是覺得這場唱得蠻糟的.... 這照片取鏡真是糟... 澳洲當地傳媒評論連結: Sydney Morning Herald ABC Online Courier Mail

Whitney touches down in Brisbane

惠妮抵達澳洲Brisbane(布里斯本),為02/22舉行的首場澳洲巡演進行準備! 新聞稿內容如下: One of the biggest voices in entertainment has landed in Brisbane for the Australian leg of her world tour. Whitney Houston will also perform in the Hunter Valley, Sydney and Melbourne, as part of a major comeback following her long battle with drugs. The pop diva's arrival comes amid rumours she'll be the star act at next week's Mardi Gras celebrations.

惠妮獲2010 Echo Award提名及最新澳洲謀體專訪

惠妮獲得2010 Echo Award提名最佳國際藝人獎! Lady Gaga, Whitney Houston lead 2010 Echo Award nominees Lady Gaga's ride on "The Fame" continues this week with four 2010 Echo Award nominations ! Joined by Whitney Houston, Beyonce, and Eminem, Gaga is up for international artist awards at the forthcoming celebration of music, which takes place in Germany next month. Recognized for her work on the mega-hit album "The Fame" and its follow up, "The Fame Monster," Lady Gaga has been nominated for artist rock/pop international, album of the year national/International, hit of the year national/international and best newcomer international. Whitney Houston and Beyonce each received one nomination for Artist Rock/Pop International.

20100218 Billboard各榜排行成績及1999巡演紀錄片曝光

美國版第二波官方主打 Worth It ,首週空降R&B/Hip-Hop Songs #77位置。該單曲目前尚無任何最新發行計畫消息(數位/CD都沒有進一步消息),目前也沒有拍攝MV的相關消息傳出。 以下為本週Billboard各榜成績: Worth It 單曲成績 ◎R&B/Hip-Hop 單曲榜 #77 (進榜第1周)

Tour T-Shirts上市開賣,惠妮與東京VIP歌迷舉行見面會相關新聞

在韓國演唱會現場亮相的Tour T-Shirts,現在已經開放網購囉!不分Size大小,每件要價25美元。

2010/02/17-02/18 - Osaka, Japan

咱家天后 Whitney Houston ,亞洲巡演來到Osaka(大阪)進行首晚演出。 惠妮官網 公佈了2張超美演唱會實況照片與歌迷分享! Whitney In Osaka The "Nothing But Love Tour" is currently in Osaka, Japan and we've just received two amazing shots of Whitney and her dancers from the show last night. Take a look at Whitney doing what she does best!

Whitney Houston - The Deluxe Anniversary Edition(Taiwan Edition)

台版的惠媽首張同名專輯25週年紀念盤,上市至今也有一段時間了,雖然我在1/30就已經入手,但一直到農曆年假期我才有時間拆封。 當初我是在 博客來音樂館 購入,優惠定價是518元,扣掉Coupon卷25元,我以493元購入。 首批台版出貨附贈筆記本!但台版包裝好像盜版...XD

Whitney Houston - NZ show cancelled

惠媽原訂在2010/03/06舉行的紐西蘭演唱場次,因演唱會器材運送及檔期喬不攏的狀況,取消了!原日期的巡演,惠媽將轉戰澳洲Melbourne演出。 相關新聞稿如下:

2010/02/13-02/14 - Tokyo, Japan

圖為粉絲提供的Tour Book清晰照! 先恭祝大家新年快樂! 福虎生風,虎年行大運! 在咱們華人過新年(除夕)的這天, Whitney Houston - Nothing But Love World Tour 第三站,來到日本東京,進行第二場的巡演演出。可喜的是,惠妮今晚唱的 I Look to You ,有稍微恢復水準囉~

20100211 Billboard各榜排行成績及南非表演相關新聞

前幾天網路傳出一則 Whitney 與 Akon 將在3月到南非演出的消息,在歌迷一陣狐疑的狀況下,惠妮官方提出澄清,此消息純屬虛構! 謠言: Akon, Whitney to perform in SA 官方澄清: Whitney not due in SA 以下為本週Billboard各榜成績: Million Dollar Bill 單曲成績

2010/02/11 - Tokyo, Japan

圖為:海報、TOURBOOK COVER、舞台。 Click Images to Enlarge!(所有圖片皆可點圖放大觀看!) 惠媽Nothing But Love World Tour亞洲第二站來到日本東京囉~

Whitney與舞群同歡及Tour Book新一批美照流出

最新流出的 Tour book photo shoot

2010/02/06-02/07 - Seoul, Korea

圖為南韓粉絲自拍上傳! 惠媽Nothing But Love World Tour亞洲首站來到南韓首爾囉~

Divas sign deals with Bravado

Whitney Houston , Alicia Keys , Rihanna , Mariah Carey 等人與娛樂製作公司 Bravado ,簽署合作備忘錄。

20100204 Billboard各榜排行成績及巡演相關新聞

以下為本週Billboard各榜成績: Whitney Houston首張同名專輯成績 ◎Billboard 200 專輯榜 #164 (進榜第1週) ◎Catalog Albums 節奏藍調/嘻哈專輯榜 #21 (進榜第1週) 改版發行的首張同名專輯紀念盤,在無任何宣傳的狀況下,本周攻下BB200 #164 的好成績喔!

【New Picture】Whitney Arrives In Korea!

惠妮抵達韓國,為2010/02/06展開的 Nothing But Love World Tour -南韓場次,進行彩排準備!

【New Video】Whitney at BET Honors 2010

完整BET Honors 2010頒獎典禮,已經出爐囉!