
Whitney Houston on route to a business meeting, Beverly Hills.(17 Sep, 2010)

相關照片:New Whitney pictures in Beverely Hills.


於November 28, 2010舉行的Soul Train Awards,目前還蠻多惠妮迷都在期盼,惠媽會出席並且在向Anita Baker致敬的表演橋段中現身演出,但這一切,目前都只是惠妮迷的期盼喔!

2010/09/19 Update:
Whitney Houston To Reprise 'Exhale' Role 15 Years Later?

Whitney Houston spotted Friday, September 17th, at LAX, was all smiles and looking a helluva lot better in black than in white. Examiner reported earlier this week that 20th Century Fox, has been shopping around the idea of the follow up movie to 1995's Waiting To Exhale with, Getting To Happy.

One hundred years a go, I mean fifteen years a go, Houston made Waiting To Exhale with Angela Bassett, Lela Rochon and Loretta Devine. The movie and book was a box office smash and a cultural phenomenon.

But really, can you see all four of these women, especially Whitney, come back to do the sequel? I think this is one piece of literature that needs to remain on paper or get re-cast. It's sad but true that Whitney has lost the respect from the media and general public since the 90's. People are more likely to laugh rather than go see a movie Whitney Houston is a part of. There hasn't been a lot going her way lately, her European tour is failed and the stress from the tour has been quite visible.

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不知大家是否還記得,惠媽在1995年拍了個人第二部電影"Waiting to Exhale",當年這電影是由小說改編,搬上大螢幕演出時,集合了Angela Bassett, Loretta Devine以及Lela Rocho等黑人女演員和Whitney Houston一起同台飆戲,導演Director則是由曾經獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角的Forest Whitaker擔任,當年此片在美國本土賣出6600萬美元的成績,在全球的票房成績則是賣出8200萬美元。

日前原著小說作者Terry McMillan(也是該部電影編劇),在15年後出了續集小說"Getting to Happy"。隨著續集小說的上市,目前傳出Twentieth Century Fox已經著手要將此小說改編搬上大螢幕,也已請原著作者動手編寫劇本,但相關導演及演職員的人選,目前則還無進一步相關消息發布。



Terry McMillan's 'Waiting to Exhale' sequel, 'Getting to Happy,' headed to the big screen

Considering three of best-selling author Terry McMillan’s novels have been adapted to either the big- or little-screen, it’s no surprise that her latest endeavor, Getting to Happy, is receiving another life on celluloid. Twentieth Century Fox has confirmed that they’ve optioned the recently released sequel to Waiting to Exhale with McMillan and Lori Lakin Hutcherson writing the script together.

The two scribes first met when Hutcherson was a studio executive working with Fox 2000 chief Elizabeth Gabler on Waiting to Exhale, McMillan’s debut novel. McMillan was actually Hutcherson’s inspiration for quitting her Hollywood job to take up screenwriting full-time. She has since written for a variety of television shows.

Fox 2000 plans to move quickly on Getting to Happy, which centers on the four women of Waiting to Exhale 15 years later. They are all now in their 50s at their own mid-life crossroads. No news on casting yet, but as a refresher, the four women of the 1995 Forrest Whitaker-directed movie were played by Whitney Houston, Angela Bassett, Loretta Devine, and Lela Rachon. How cool would it be to bring them back for another round?


來回顧一下惠媽在Waiting to Exhale(OST)中的冠軍單曲Exhale....


  1. 惠媽看起來起色不錯,似乎好像有瘦一點?

    話說如果要拍的話,我也希望惠媽湊一腳 ^^

  2. Re.Con:



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