【RUMOR】Whitney Houston plan to spread diversity at too white BBC Four


The challenge for BBC Four, the corporation’s unashamedly high-minded channel, according to the last BBC Trust report, is to “increase its impact…and secure a greater reputational dividend for the BBC, while also retaining its distinctive nature.”

That’s tough to achieve in an environment where budgets are being cut and the once equally cultural BBC Two has fallen into a trough of cookery and lifestyle shows to maintain evening ratings.

At a dinner for TV reporters, Richard Klein, the BBC Four Controller, was understandably on a high from the critical and ratings boost delivered by the Saturday night Danish crime hit, The Killing.

He unveiled a Spring/Summer schedule of home-grown shows, which offered a few sops to the Trust’s demands for impact but basically said that the steadily-growing channel is pretty much going to carry on doing what it’s doing and woe betide Lord Patten if he decides to mess with it – which he’s unlikely to, since its mix of arts and classical music is right up his street.

Casting Karen Gillan, Doctor Who’s assistant, in a drama about the similarly leggy 60s model Jean Shrimpton’s relationship with snapper David Bailey, is a smart move to create some tabloid “heat”. Repeating old Top of the Pops is both cost-effective and hits the sweet spot with cultural critics of a certain age who will enjoy reliving their teenage years.

With Sky Arts snapping up documentaries about contemporary music and modern art, BBC Four is reaching further into the past.

There’s a series on Regency period art and a Prince Charles film about Jersusalem composer Hubert Parry. Director of Oxford University Botanic Garden, Timothy Walker, presents a Botany series and, as Klein suggests, there’s no way that BBC Two would commit to a themed series of prime-time programmes on Iceland.

With all due respect to Brian True-May, the content might appear almost exclusively to be presented by and designed for a white, middle-class audience with a noticeable lack of the diversity that is a given on-screen at BBC One and Three.

“It is an issue, we do need to find more black and ethnic minority presenters,” admits Klein, who can point to Professor Jim Al-Khalili’s excellent science programmes – and there was a Reggae Britannia documentary.

However Beehive understands that BBC Four is planning a series of documentaries on influential soul singers, with Lionel Richie signed up. The BBC has approached Whitney Houston to appear in a tell-all interview about her troubled life and career, which would be a scoop for Four, solving the impact and diversity questions in one go.

The “impact/quality” conundrum was the same test that the Trust, under Sir Michael Lyons, set 6 Music. The solution was to threaten to close the station, with the resultant squeals of anguish doubling its audience.

The idea of a merger between BBC Two and Four post digital switchover is being mooted in the BBC’s Delivering Quality First search for outlandish spending cuts proposals. If Klein wants to keep BBC Four as the last bastion of BBC high-mindedness, he should really push for a leaked management “closure threat” announcement.

Source:Beehive City






  1. 說真的... 現在已經不管他是訪問還是幹麻..... 只要惠媽肯出來我就阿密陀佛了

    惠媽最近還真是太安靜了,雖然作為惠迷... 應該早習慣淡定的等"時間",可是真的很怕她又像八年前一樣,就又這樣一不小心讓歌迷等上另一個八年... 畢竟惠媽呀~人生可沒有多少八年可以這樣慢慢等。

    快點趁走不動前多出來動動,要不然把過去演唱會的DVD出一出 (1998年的紀錄片也快點發吧),妳賺錢我們惠迷也樂當看掏錢買DVD回家天天看 (汗~~)

    ps. 怎麼覺得Arista不出DVD是想要像MJ一樣,等人走後再狂撈一筆..... 唉~ 惠媽人閒了,我這惠迷也開始閒的胡思亂想。

  2. Re.Con:
    咱們家的惠媽,除了當宅女外,應該無最新的工作計畫。目前還能讓惠媽出來走動見見世人的,大概只有阿惠的最新好友Kim Burrell了!

    Kim Burrell的全新專輯"The Love Album"將在May 3rd, 2011發行,搞不好惠媽為了挺好友,會出來曬曬太陽....(至少我是這樣天真的妄想著~~)

    至於惠媽的Live DVD,我想要出版可能很難。畢竟大部份的版權都不在Arista Records手中,而是在惠媽自家的製作公司裡。以惠媽這麼懶惰的個性,再加上之前的退休撈錢之旅,已經讓她賺了一票了,阿惠應該沒有花那腦筋,來想說以Live DVD海撈一票的想法!(畢竟她是阿惠,公認的懶女人....XD)

  3. @ Davin

    唉~ 真希望KB能夠帶惠媽出來做做運動和大家伸伸懶腰打招呼~

    至於DVD,聽你這樣解釋後... 我完全不敢奢望會出版了,感覺惠媽完全沒有想出版它們的念頭,看來這些DVD錄影將會掩埋在倉庫之中,永無見光之日了。

  4. Re.Con:
    至於Live DVD的出版計劃,我想只能交給上天去安排了!


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