惠媽首週銷量破30萬張 登上Billboard專輯榜冠軍

Whitney Houston in at No. 1 with 300K-Plus

Whitney Houston makes a triumphant return to the album charts this week at No. 1 in her debut week. Her album, "I Look to You," sold more than 300,000 copies.

The final count won't be in until Wednesday, but hitsdailydouble reports 266,000 copies sold with only 54% of their sales accounts reporting in from last week.

And just think: Next Monday and Tuesday, Whitney holds court on "Oprah" for two hours total. She's on her way to 1 million in sales in less than a month. That's quite an achievement for a singer who hasn't had a new release in seven years, was considered "washed up" by gossip naysayers.

Houston can be proud of herself for what she's done to recover from her personal problems. And then, of course, there's Clive Davis, Larry Jackson, Richard Palmese and co. at Arista Records, Whitney's trusted aide de camp Lynn Volkmann, sister-in-law Pat Houston and mom Cissy. It takes a village, after all. Now just think what Clive's pre-Grammy dinner will be like this year!

Whitney has hits galore on "I Look to You," but I still say, when they release Leon Russell's "A Song for You," it will trigger an avalanche.

Whitney has the jump on Mariah Carey, whose own new album is coming on Sept. 29 with lots of hits included. It's too bad there aren't any record stores anymore! What with the Beatles action and these ladies, there would certainly be traffic!







惠妮可以為自己感到驕傲,由於她自身的努力,再加上Clive Davis,Larry Jackson,Richard Palmese及唱片公司的全面相挺,過去那些是是非非,終將成為過眼雲煙。惠媽身邊親密的工作夥伴Lynn Volkmann,Pat Houston(惠媽的大嫂),Cissy Houston(惠媽的母親),這3人成就了一個堅強的工作團隊,為惠妮的回歸打造出漂亮的成績。可以想見的是,明年的Clive's pre-Grammy,預期惠妮會受到高度的推崇。

惠妮的單曲"I Look to You"頗受好評,當唱片公司推出翻唱自Leon Russell的經典金曲"A Song for You"為單曲時,應該會造成市場的震撼。




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