Whitney相關網站大改版及Walmart Stores重新上架惠媽新專輯

繼惠妮個人官網改版後,惠妮的YouTube Channel及Myspace Page,現在也一併改版囉!採用的設計與官網是同一系列。

We're excited to say that Whitney's MySpace and YouTube profiles have been completely revamped with new designs and pictures...check them out!

惠妮的MySpace請點右方連結:Whitney Houston on MySpace

版權限制的關係,台灣的User依舊無法在YouTube線上觀看Sony Music旗下的歌手MV,真害~

惠妮的YouTube Channel請點右方連結:Whitney Houston on YouTube

惠妮的個人官網請點右方連結:Whitney Houston's official site

Source:Whitney Houston's official site

吵了一陣子Walmart超市不賣惠媽新專輯事件,暫告落幕。Walmart超市近日內將會重新上架惠媽最新大碟I LOOK TO YOU

Whitney's New Album Will be Sold In Walmart Stores

Contrary to rumors that Whitney's I Look to You CD would not be available in Walmart stores, the company has issued the following statement:

"Walmart will in fact be selling Whitney's new album in all stores beginning Monday, August 31. We're excited about Whitney's new album! Walmart.com had unexpected tech issues, some CD pages are not showing up. We're working on it now. Whitney will be online & in Walmart stores."

Source:Whitney Houston's official site


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